Tuesday, April 16, 2024

NBC Can't Understand Why 'Average Person' Doesn't Fear 'Climate Crisis' – Should We Tell 'Em?

Some articles are almost too fun to write (the operative word being "almost").

"NBC Today's 3rd Hour" last Friday attempted to rip the "average" American who doesn't understand or refuses to accept the "existential threat to mankind" (aka: "climate change," "climate crisis," global warming," et al.) as Joe Biden likes to say, no doubt failing to understand a word of what he's mumbling.

It was quite a show – from a comedic perspective.

Did I mention that co-anchors Dylan Dreyer, Craig Melvin, and Sheinelle Jones sat down with Al "Polar Ice" Gore during the segment? Comedy gold.

Dreyer kicked off the segment by showering Gore with undeserving praise.

We're back now with a special edition of Today Climate, joined by one of the world's most prominent voices on this crisis.

Melvin couldn't wait to lick Gore's boots, either

And one of the earliest as well, I would add. For eight years, Al Gore served, of course, as vice president of these United States. And after leaving office, his work to educate people about the climate crisis was featured in the Oscar-winning documentary, "An Inconvenient Truth."

Not quite. Since Gore left the vice presidency, he's made predictions that haven't come true (see: "melting polar ice"), incessantly tried to whip up climate hysteria, and made an estimated $300 million, along the way.

Jones tossed in this syrupy nonsense:

His advocacy earned him the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007. Now, he's organization The Climate Reality Project is training thousands of climate leaders this weekend here in New York.

Teaching "climate leaders" to do what? Learn how to be more effective at whipping up mass hysteria? 

Then the segment got really good, with Melvin lamenting “the average person” and their seeming lack of understanding about the “climate crisis,” asking Gore:

Do you think that the average person in this country understands the urgency of the crisis?” he wondered. “Is that an area where you see that we made some headway? Or do you still think that the average person just doesn't get it yet?

Gore responded (lied, or was still misinformed):

Well, I think most people do. And mother nature is the most persuasive – the voice on all of this. I mean, you guys talk every day on the weather news about these extreme events.

Why do you think that is, Al? 

Al Gore, John Kerry, Joe Biden, and the liberal media lapdogs do their damnedest to scare the bejesus out of "the average person" about the "anthropogenic (man-caused) climate crisis" to the point of absurdity. 

I mean, it's all or nothing for climate alarmists. In that case, I'm out. Text me when I'm wrong.