Friday, April 12, 2024

Iran Warns US That If It Helps Israel Defend From Iran's Retaliation, Then the US Is Next

streiff reporting for RedState 

Iran has warned the Biden White House that if the United States interferes in its anticipated retaliatory strike against Israel, the United States will become a legitimate target for Iranian terrorism. According to the anti-American and pro-Hamas website The Intercept, "On Monday night, Iran conveyed to the Biden administration that if it involved itself in defending Israel were Tehran to undertake a retaliatory strike, it would consider the United States a viable target as well. The issue was discussed at a Tuesday NSC meeting, according to notes reviewed by The Intercept. (The NSC did not respond to a request for comment.)"

This crisis was precipitated by an Israeli airstrike on the Iranian embassy in Damascus that killed three senior Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps commanders and four senior IRGC advisors to Syrian regime forces.


Israeli Air Strike Punches Senior Iranian Revolutionary Guards Commander's Ticket 

US Forces on High Alert, Preparing for 'Significant' Attack in Middle East by Iran on US, Israeli Assets

As might be expected, Iran has promised Armageddon over this affront, but the incident also happened on a day ending in y. The backchannel threat comes as the commander of US Central Command, General Erik Kurilla, visited Israel's Defense Minister Yoav Gallant to coordinate a response to what is expected to be a strike launched from Iranian soil against Israel. (This is your primer if you want to know more about General Kurilla. Google for Michael Yon's amazing stories from Mosul, many starring Kurilla.) Secretary of State Antony Blinken stated on Wednesday that "the U.S. will stand with Israel against any threats by Iran and its proxies."

Iran seems to be trying to tamp down escalation talk, at least in public. 

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian told his German counterpart on Thursday that Iran is determined to respond to Israel's bombing of its consular building in Damascus last week, but will do so in an "appropriate" and limited way, a source with direct knowledge of the call told Axios.

Iran has been known before to shoot its mouth off and do exactly nothing, because in the milieu in which Iran operates, that would be terrorists in the Arab world, saying you will do something is the same as doing it. That said, in my view, this time is different. This was not a singleton general getting whacked while riding in a car. This was an airstrike on what is legally Iranian soil. Adding injury to the insult, seven senior leaders were killed, taking a multitude of secrets to hell with them. Iran has hinted at using proxy forces to attack Israel, but something this in-your-face demands direct Iranian action against an important target in Israel or an Israeli embassy.

This is the fruit of four years of pathetic weakness on the part of Joe Biden and his flunkies. The mullahs know that Biden and his inner circle have onanistic fantasies about restarting Obama's horrendous nuclear deal. Iranian proxies carried out hundreds of attacks on US installations and caused dozens of deaths and injuries.


New Drone Attacks on US Forces in Syria, Iranian Proxies Claim Responsibility

American Forces Attacked by Iranian Proxies 84 Times in 52 Days and Biden Does Nothing 

Biden Waits Until a US Soldier Is Critically Injured to Authorize Retaliation Against Iranian Militias 

Escalation from Iranian 'Proxies': Missiles Fired at US Forces in Iraq, Two Americans Injured

Disgusting: Kirby Downplays Injuries to American Military in Iraq, As Attacks Continue

Iran should be afraid to threaten the US. In a just world, we'd treat an Iranian threat the exact same way we'd treat an Iranian attack by using lots of missiles and bombs.

The demarche they handed the White House seems to include intelligence sharing with Israel about any potential attack, and you can bet that any failed attempt will be attributed to the Great Satan. Any thought that we will not ultimately be targeted if Iran decides to pull the trigger on a retaliatory strike is arrant stupidity. The Biden White House has been warned.