Thursday, April 11, 2024

Hollywood's Attempt to Further Normalize Anti-White Racism Falls Flat

Brandon Morse reporting for RedState 

And once again, the social justice community trips, falls, faceplants, and yet still can't figure out why it's failing. 

As I've previously talked about, the movie "The American Society of Magical Negroes" was released in theaters and greeted with rooms of empty seats and no fanfare. The film had a lot of problems going for it. It was horribly written for starters despite the premise being ripped from a hilarious Key and Peele skit. Despite its comedic overtones, the "jokes" are ultimately "clapter" lines. 

(Hollywood Can't Get It Through Its Head That Racism Doesn't Sell)

The movie is now being pulled from theaters after only three weeks. As Culture Crave notes, the film amassed only $2.4 million box office and garnered a 28 percent score on Rotten Tomatoes. The budget for the movie was $15 million, marking this as a big loss. 

As I said in my original article, this overtly anti-white racist film's failure was a condemnation on several levels: 

And from this, we can actually deduce some things.

America isn't the racist country it's being sold as by the social justice left, and that's not just because people aren't lining up to see it generally. It's because black people aren't lining up to see it either. If that film resonated with the black community, there'd be a lot more fervor about it, not just from the black community itself but from the media. 

It's also a rebuke against bad cinema. 

If you're really going to make a movie that condemns racism and highlights the absurdity of it, then I'll refer you to probably the best condemnation of racism Hollywood ever produced; "Blazing Saddles."

Racism is a plague but it's one that's primarily infested places like Hollywood and heavily leftist areas like it. The idea is that finger-wagging and white people and obsessing about racism make you a good person because you're addressing a major societal sin. Yes, racism is bad, but the left has swung so far into its obsession with racism against a specific group that it's become racist against another. 

The box office numbers show that this kind of "America is racist" narrative just isn't selling. It's not guilting any white people into theaters for "educational" purposes, and it's not bringing in the black community for the purposes of reveling in self-victimhood. 

Racism just doesn't sell in America. This is not a racist country. 

Yet, we have leftists convincing themselves beyond a shadow of a doubt that racial animus infects every aspect of our society so deeply that it's undeniable. They're partly correct. Racism is an issue...and the left needs to address their problem with it, especially the bubbled left in Hollywood. 

Once the left conquers their own racism, maybe we could truly start moving forward as a country.

Not that this will happen anytime soon. Racism is one of the left's biggest grifts. Where would they be without it? 

...well, probably making better movies.