Sunday, April 14, 2024

GOP Lawmakers Send Loud and Clear Message to Biden After Israel Attacked—'Stop Coddling Iran'

Bob Hoge reporting for RedState 

Multiple Republican leaders issued statements and posted to social media Saturday after Iran fired off a barrage of drones and possibly missiles against Israel. They demanded that President Biden “stand firm” behind our ally and “stop coddling” the repressive Iranian regime.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) was one of the strongest voices, and he placed the blame squarely on Biden's appeasement of Iran:

Iran has encircled Israel and has been attacking our Israeli allies from almost every front for months. They've launched attacks from Syria, Iraq, Yemen, the West Bank, Hezbollah-controlled Lebanon and of course the Hamas controlled -Gaza Strip. Now they have escalated by launching attacks directly from the Iranian territory. 

These attacks are enabled and financed by deliberate policy choices made by Joe Biden and Biden officials, who've allowed roughly 100 billion to flow to Iran since 2020. Americans and Israelis have been made catastrophically more vulnerable by these policies.

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) emphasized his support for Israel and stated that he would push the White House to respond forcefully and stop undermining our ally:

I will continue to engage with the White House to insist upon a proper response. The Biden Administration’s undermining of Israel and appeasement of Iran have contributed to these terrible developments.

Sen. Roger Wicker (R-MS), the highest-ranking Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee, urged "resolute action" against Iran and its proxies:

"This is the moment for the United States to show we stand together with our allies. Our shared enemies, including Iran and their proxies, need to know our commitment is unwavering," he said in a press release. "We must join with Israel to ensure that Iran’s aggression is met with resolute action and resounding strength."

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem said Iran has proven repeatedly that they are our enemy and must be held to account:

We stand with the people of Israel against this brazen and callous attack. Iran hates democracy, Freedom, and basic human rights — making them an enemy of Israel and the United States. I expect the Biden Administration to stand up for these shared principles and hold Iran accountable.

Biden's appeasement toward Iran has emboldened them, and this attack would not have happened several years ago when U.S. sanctions had crippled their economy and weakened their defenses. Although the administration pledged their "ironclad" support for Israel as the attack unfolded, they have constantly undermined the Jewish state as it tries to crush its enemies in the Israel-Hamas war

Biden's incompetence is at least partly to blame for the conflicts unfolding in the Middle East, and Cruz and others are right to call him out for it.