Saturday, April 13, 2024

'Blexit' – Black Men Dumping Democrat Party to Support Trump – Is Real, and Dems Are Terrified

Mike Miller reporting for RedState 

Bless Joe Biden's heart. The arguably worst president in American history has intentionally screwed up this country, in less than four years, beyond what even I thought he was capable of doing. As Barack Obama reportedly and correctly said, "Never underestimate Joe's ability to f**k things up."

How badly so?

A new Wall Street Journal poll found that 30 percent of black men in seven swing states now support former President Donald Trump over Biden. Trump garnered only 12 percent of black male voters in 2020. That's a monumental shift, which hurts Biden more than it helps Trump, meaning that the traditional coalition of disparate voting groups must hold for a Democrat to win the White House. I'm not suggesting Joe's toes up, but his campaign does appear to be on life support.

Here's more:

Biden still is expected to capture the majority of male black voters, with 57% supporting the Democrat. However, the poll suggests a 30-point drop in black male voter support when compared to the 2020 election results.

In the same poll, 42% of black women surveyed revealed they are still uncertain or persuadable in their voting choice. In 2020, 6% of black women voted for Trump. Now, 11% said they are definitely or probably going to vote for Trump.

The black eligible voter population for 2024 is projected to reach 34.4 million — accounting for 14% of the total voting population. 

Adrianne Shropshire, head of BlackPAC, a Democrat super PAC, said the impossible.

The persuasion is actually to get people to come to Biden, and away from third parties, and away from Trump.

Good luck, Ms. Shropshire. Joe Biden is his own worst enemy — on multiple levels.

Here's more, which is striking (emphasis, mine):

American politics may be on the verge of a racial realignment. Polls show Donald Trump within striking distance of a majority among Hispanic voters and as much as 20% of the black vote. That would be an unprecedented showing for a Republican in modern times. 

Among white voters, polls show little change since 2020, meaning that shifts among nonwhite voters could decide the election. If even a modest realignment happens, Mr. Trump will almost certainly win. If it doesn’t, he is the underdog.

Mr. Trump’s campaign against voting by mail in 2020 was self-defeating, so it is encouraging to see Lara Trump, his daughter-in-law and the new Republican National Committee co-chairman, express support for legal ballot harvesting

But the GOP needs to go further and begin talking to younger nonwhite voters, men especially, driving home their shift to the right. These votes could also prove decisive in an expanded Senate battleground that includes Michigan and Nevada.

Here's the paramount thing. 

We can moan and whine about the 2020 election for the rest of our lives, or we can suck it up and not only admit the reality that the Democrat Party is a whole lot better at playing a (legal) election season game while stubbornly continuing to play an outdated Election Day game. It's that simple. And if we want to change things back to the Election Day game, we have to win elections. 

Black Voters Throwing Biden Under the Bus in Increasing Numbers

Are Dems Really Losing Younger, Nonwhite Voters? The Data Sure Suggests It

Panic at DNC HQ As Democrats Lose Territory With Black, Hispanic Voters