Monday, April 15, 2024

Biden's Latest Lawless Student Loan Forgiveness


He wants to write off hundreds of billions in student debt before the courts can stop him.


The issue of bribing students just prior to the election is real.

The Administration is essentially turning college into an open-ended, taxpayer-financed entitlement by canceling loans on the installment plan. It even boasts that it has already “approved $146 billion in student debt relief for 4 million Americans through more than two dozen executive actions.” That's $36,500 per borrower. It’s good to be the King.

The Supreme Court ruled last year that Mr. Biden’s cancelation of $10,000 to $20,000 per borrower exceeded his authority under the 2003 Heroes Act, which allows the executive to “modify” loan terms in an emergency. The Administration “modified” loans, Chief Justice John Roberts wrote, in the “same sense that ‘the French Revolution “modified” the status of the French nobility.’”

An Administration official said late Sunday its new plans “involve different considerations” and use “different legal authority.” It invokes the Higher Education Act, which lets the Education Secretary “compromise” or “waive” claims. The Administration says its new plan is targeted even as it boasts about its scale.

Mr. Biden’s new loan forgiveness is still illegal. The High Court stressed that student loan forgiveness is a major question that requires clear authorization from Congress. But Mr. Biden seems to believe he can jam the courts by automatically forgiving debt before a judge has time to stop him.

The White House says most borrowers won’t even have to apply for loan relief. Sometime before the November election, Mr. Biden will simply declare their debt forgiven. That means a future Congress and a President Trump might be unable to undo the lawless act. Where are the press scolds who warn about a President who threatens democracy? (From the WSJ).


"Why should I have to pay for someone's degree in "Himalayan Lesbian Art" from the "Gender Studies" department or some useless "Art History" major that dropped out? I schooled as needed, in a trade and profession and paid for it as I went along which provided a good income and retirement. I didn't get a handout and what about my reimbursement? (DooDy)"

