Thursday, March 7, 2024

Tulsi Gabbard Pulls No Punches, Warns Biden Will Have a 'Pretty Big Problem' in Rematch With Trump

Mike Miller reporting for RedState 

2020 Democrat presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard sent a no-holds-barred warning to embattled President Joe Biden during a Wednesday appearance on "Fox & Friends": Biden-Harris has a "pretty big problem" on their hands in a November rematch with former President Donald Trump. 

In a nutshell, Gabbard said that more and more Americans are realizing the abject failure of Joe Biden and more than three years of failed administration — and the hardship caused to everyday Americans.

They've got a pretty big problem because more and more Americans are recognizing what a failure the Biden-Harris administration's policies are for the American people.

This is not something that's limited to Republicans, but they're independents and Democrats who are very frustrated with the most basic things… 

There are folks across the country who are… recognizing that this administration has stood for an open border policy that's made our communities less safe and causing incredible pressure on our country with millions of people illegally entering our country.

Hell, Tulsi — let's call it what it is. Joe Biden hasn't stood for an open border policy; he intentionally created it and has no desire to stop it.

About down-state Super Tuesday primaries, Gabbard got specific (emphasis, mine).

They're recognizing, as we're seeing in some of the election results last night at the local and the state level, that the ‘defund the police’ policy of this administration has failed horrifically, recognizing that there are very real consequences to their lives, the safety of their kids, their kids' opportunity, and that is that has come about as a direct result of the failure of this administration.

I know I say it a lot, but bingo. 

As the former Democrat has increasingly done, Gabbard contrasted the successes of Trump's presidency with the failure of Biden's. 

I think the biggest issues on the minds of Americans today are revealing the contrast between what Biden has done to this country and… where we were as a country under President Trump.

I think a lot of the exit polls show that the foremost issues on people's minds are the economy and the border… and on both of those issues, there is such a huge contrast between the record of President Trump and the record of President Biden.

Is there any doubt? I mean, even if Gabbard is working herself silly to get Trump's VP nod, facts upon facts and polls upon polls back up everything she said in the block quote.

Gabbard also talked about how Biden and Harris have alienated a majority of the American people.

I hope [what] people are recognizing is how offensive the Biden-Harris administration's approach is to the American people, where they can advocate for these policies for the last three-plus years, and now all of a sudden, policies that have made our country worse, not better, made our way of life worse, not better, and now all of a sudden, flip the switch and think we are so stupid to believe the lies that they're telling us just to get our votes.

Memo to Tulsi Gabbard: You just described the modus operandi of the Democrat Party for at least the last six decades: pander, placate, and exploit — with no intention of following through on most of their hollow, ballot-focused promises. 

Anyway, if you're really with us, welcome aboard.

The Bottom Line

After announcing in October 2022 that she was leaving the Democrat Party, Tulsi Gabbard has seemingly continued her metamorphosis to — dare I say it — a budding conservative. That said, she's not there, yet. But the larger issue is whether or not she could help Trump in November as his vice-presidential running mate.

My gut says yes — depending partly on how the choice would be presented to voters by Trump himself. While I don't think Gabbard's selection would hurt Trump  — his staunch supporters are hardwired — it might help the former president attract voters who abandoned him in 2020.

Do I think she's going to be picked? No. 

But as I've written, nothing that happens between now and November 5 will surprise me. Nothing.