Saturday, March 23, 2024

Tucker Carlson Interviews Ron Paul

From the mailroom: …”Given the confluence of events and your foresight in pointing directly to the financial mechanisms now seemingly in the spotlight [BlackRock etc], how would it be if your audience was the only one prepared for what was coming?”…

Me:  Like most things in life, when it comes to our protective instinct, I only care about the position of those I love.  This small corner of the internet, our community, is the only one that ultimately matters.  Convincing is an endless quest, that’s why CTH doesn’t exhaust that energy.  The key to preparation is brutally honest information that gives people the opportunity to make decisions.

Many people are noticing the arc of the storyline behind “what is our reality” is starting to shift.  The awakening is moving beyond the body politic and into the world actors and institutions who determine political action.  This awakening phase needs to continue.   It is not coincidental to spend the past two years in the matrix of global finance and the schemes of those who triggered the “western sanctions” against Russia (ultimately having nothing to do with targeting the Russian economy), and then see Tucker Carlson interviewing Ron Paul.  WATCH:

[Full Interview on TuckerCarlson.Com]

Opposition to presidential candidate Donald Trump does not originate from a baseline of domestic ideology, or social stuff.  The epicenter of opposition to Donald Trump, all of it, stems from the background understanding “there are trillions at stake.”

The people deep inside the global banking and financial system are the originating opposition to Donald Trump.  Controlled Lawfare, purchased politicians (both sides), weaponized institutions of government, the intelligence community, corporate media, big tech, all of it, and all the controlled/purchased people within it… are the weapons in the arsenal of those who control banking and finance; the aforementioned are their army.

Who is the army in opposition to them?  YOU, plus the hundreds of millions of global rebels and freedom fighters who will not back down from supporting President Trump.

Right now, the most consequential battle front is in the fields and valleys of information warfare. They deplatform, we rebuild. They demonetize, we subscribe.  They label, we ignore.  Small tech inside the freedom alliance is feverously creating new weapons; messengers (information content providers) immediately adopt them; users reequip themselves and head back to the front to engage.  As history has so eloquently outlined for millennia, there are more of us than them – they just control the institutions.

The awakening continues, and the apoplexy created in the minds of our opposition has caused them to become increasingly visible.  Pretenses are being dropped quickly.

2022 – NEW YORK, March 24 (Reuters) – BlackRock Inc’s (BLK.N) chief executive, Larry Fink, said on Thursday that the Russia-Ukraine war could end up accelerating digital currencies as a tool to settle international transactions, as the conflict upends the globalization drive of the last three decades.

In a letter to the shareholders of the world’s largest asset manager, Fink said the war will push countries to reassess currency dependencies, and that BlackRock was studying digital currencies and stablecoins due to increased client interest.

A global digital payment system, thoughtfully designed, can enhance the settlement of international transactions while reducing the risk of money laundering and corruption”, he said.