Wednesday, March 6, 2024

The Democrat Party Is Breaking

Normally, the Democrat Party is a house united with nary a toe out of step. Even if there was internal strife, Democrats did a very good job of hiding it. It inspired a hive-mind mentality that has been one of the biggest hurdles for Republicans, a more individualistic party, to overcome.

But it's pretty clear that the hive isn't so united anymore. In fact, it seems to be more than willing to eat itself alive as weak leadership and years of radicalization have the party in a state of chaos. Moreover, as Donald Trump's shadow looms longer and longer over 2024, Democrats seem to be lost as to what to do. 

All problems start at the top, but for Democrats, it's pretty unclear where the top is. Normally, it would be the President, but even the media can't seem to decide whether or not to support Joe Biden or help destroy him. He's just as likely to snap at them in anger as he is to not take questions. 

(Joe Biden Frustrated With Media for Telling the Truth: He's Losing It)

Clearly, Biden's mental capacity is severely hampered and while no one is coming out with the honest truth, he shows heavy signs of dementia. Someone else is running the show but it's not entirely clear as to who that is. 

This is incredibly embarrassing for the party which makes it sound like they always have the answers and are always in control. Pair this with an out-of-control economy that was much better under a much more charismatic Trump, and the Democrats have a major problem, especially with 2024 approaching fast. 

But while that's an immediate problem, there's a much larger problem that comes in the form of the monster that the Democrats created; the radicalized leftist. 

The Democrat Party spent years crafting the radical. They spend an inordinate amount of time and money attempting to brainwash the youth through the culture, the education system, and more to create little future voters or, even better, mindless activists. 

They created winners and losers, divided entire swaths of the population against one another, created villains out of normal, everyday Americans, and made it clear that action against them was the only way to defeat them. They encouraged people to get up, get out, and get into the faces of the oppressors of our society and that end justifies any means. They backed it up by applauding as rioters burned down cities brd on lies and even said next to nothing when a member of one of their protected groups killed people, including children. 

This might actually be great for a time, but ultimately, these radicals begin setting their sights on loftier and loftier goals that far outstrip the original intention of the people who created them. When that happens, the radicals will turn on their creators. 

This is exactly what's happening to the Democrat Party. They created zealots who are now far bigger believers than the church they sprang from. These radicals are even willing to go after radicals in positions of power. You saw that very thing happen recently with AOC being confronted at a movie theater by Pro-Hamas protesters. 

If Democrat politicians are angry about this and feel these protesters overstepped their boundaries, they shouldn't be. This is exactly what the Democrat Party taught these people to do. 

The Democrat Party is imploding and despite the media attempting to make it seem like it's not as big a problem as it is, the collapse can be seen without it needing to be pointed out. Normally, the Democrats would create something to unify around, but nothing seems to be catching like before. 

There's no Black Lives Matter, no Women's March, no COVID-19, and every attempt at trying to get people to rally seems to be falling flat. The desperation became clear to me personally when I saw a post from the White House on Instagram that simply said "BAN ASSAULT WEAPONS" in all caps as if that was going to mean something to anybody except radicals. 

Whatever strength the Democrat Party once had, it's now gone, and that lack of strength has plunged it into chaos.