Sunday, March 17, 2024

Professional Republicans Unhappy Donald Trump Has Not Reached Out to Nikki Haley Democrats

The apparatus of the Republican influence system is not happy that President Trump has not reached out to Nikki Haley and her coalition of Democrats in order to solicit their support.  Politico outlines the unhappiness amid the Koch network that President Trump has not called them or asked for their support.

The MAGA movement should anticipate the professional Republican apparatus now looking to embed Bush-Cheney-Haley types to control the outcomes of Donald Trump, and the likelihood of a successful presidential race.  Nothing angers the professional Republicans quite like ignoring them and being successful without their crustless triangle cucumber sandwiches.

WASHINGTON DC – When Nikki Haley exited the presidential race earlier this month, she issued what sounded like an ultimatum: Donald Trump needed to “earn the votes of those who did not support him,” and it was “now his time for choosing.”

So far, Trump hasn’t chosen to do much for the sake of reconciliation after calling for the party to come together. In fact, he hasn’t reached out to Haley or some of her top allies at all.

Art Pope would know. The former chair of Americans for Prosperity, the anti-Trump Republican outfit that boosted Haley in the primary, and a top GOP donor who backed Haley himself, told POLITICO the Trump campaign hasn’t reached out to him.

It’s been less than two weeks since Haley dropped out. But the lack of contact is indicative of rifts that persist even after Trump officially became the presumptive nominee this week. (read more)

As I said before, the Nikki Haley “Republicans” are not Republicans, they are Democrats and official supporters of the DC UniParty.

The overwhelming majority of votes for Nikki Haley came from Democrats who were/are going to vote for Biden anyway. So, it’s an exercise in being obtuse not to accept the reality of who exactly represented the Haley voting base.  Then again, professional and intentional ignorance and strategic pretending is a trait of those skilled in gaslighting.

As a consequence of the dynamic, President Trump making any effort to court the Haley vote is an exercise in futility.  Trump is right to just move on, snark at the nonsense that Haley represented, and avoid spending energy on an attempt that will generate nothing substantive in value.

One of the attributes I personally prefer about Donald Trump is his willingness to avoid the pretending nonsense.  I admire the brutal and pragmatic honesty of his political worldview.  We need more non-pretending if we are going to shake our nation out of the mindset of abuse created by the various systems of government.

Too many “conservative” or nationalist-minded American voters suffer from battered conservative syndrome. Too many Republican voters are comfortable playing the role of victim – pointing to the consistently appearing bruises on their arms while simultaneously trying to make the pretending Republican politicians a better sandwich.

There is a willful blindness on the part of many American people – a chosen refusal to acknowledge the implications of the unAmerican and unConstititional behaviors, actions and outcomes we are being served on a daily basis.

It can no longer be presumed to be a matter of “I can’t see what’s happening”, because a whole lot of normal Americans really are clean and articulate.

I can’t see it” just doesn’t cut it.

We have this one election to try and stop our nation from fracturing permanently into a state of control by the assembly of Western leftists.   It’s Americanism -vs- Communism in 2024, because the global cleaving is inverting the freedom dynamic.

The proverbial “Western” alliance of government interests has seized the institutions of power and weaponized them against the people.  Donald Trump represents the opportunity to disassemble their construct with extreme prejudice.  There is no unification possible with evil enterprise.