Saturday, March 16, 2024

Polls Show Trump Can Win 2024 Election Without WI, PA, or AZ

Sarah Arnold reporting for Townhall 

Former President Trump is on the road back to the White House as all polls point to his 2024 victory. 

According to a CNN electoral map, Trump can win the 2024 presidential election without securing enough votes for Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Arizona. 

Candidates need 270 electoral votes to win the presidential election. The map indicated that Trump would secure 272 votes, while President Joe Biden only secure 225. 

Despite CNN, a far-Left news outlet, undermining Trump’s ability to win the election, the outlet cannot deny that Biden is nowhere near having enough support to serve another four years in the White House. 

A recent Fox News poll found that Trump (49 percent) leads Biden (47 percent) by two percentage points in Pennsylvania. 

Meanwhile, in Arizona, Trump holds a four-point advantage over Biden with 49 percent compared to the president’s 45 percent. 

Both of these states carry a lot of weight in the presidential elections. In 2020, Biden won Pennsylvania and Arizona, while Trump won them in 2016. However, the last time Biden time had a lead in Arizona was in April 2023— more than eleven polls ago. 

Trump also takes the lead in other polls, including Democrat-led states.

According to a Quinnipiac University Michigan Poll, Trump received 41 percent support among registered voters, while Biden received only 36 percent support. 

In a hypothetical head-to-head matchup, 48 percent of voters support Trump, while Biden received 45 percent support. Eight percent indicated they are undecided. Even with Independent candidates in the race, 46 percent of voters from this group said they would back Trump come November and 42 percent saying they would vote for Biden. 

Nationally, Trump is edging Biden out by 1.4 percentage points, according to the Hill/Decision Desk HQ’s polling average.