Friday, March 22, 2024

Polling Shows Most Americans See Through Democrat Efforts to Prosecute Trump

Jeff Charles reporting for RedState 

These days, finding a poll with good news for President Joe Biden and his fellow Democrats is harder than finding a politician in D.C. without their hands in your pockets. A recent survey found that most Americans can clearly see what the slew of indictments against former President Donald Trump is about, an issue that could spell trouble for Biden’s chances of winning reelection. 

The survey, conducted by McLaughlin and Associates, revealed that most respondents believe Biden is using the government against Trump through the justice system to skew the outcome of the upcoming presidential election. Interestingly enough, it is not only Republicans who have this perspective – Democrats and Independents also see through the scam.

In the latest McLaughlin and Associates survey shared with Secrets on Wednesday, 56% said they believe that “Joe Biden wants to stop President Trump from winning the election by putting him in jail.” Some 30% disagreed.

Republicans, 86% to 8%, agreed, as did independent voters, 50% to 33%. But so did many Democrats — 32% agreed to 48% who didn’t.

What’s more, voters said they believe Biden is playing a key role in driving the investigations of his rival. Some 58% said Biden has a role. Of that, 40% called his role “major.”

These findings, if accurate, aren’t a positive sign for Team Biden. They suggest a growing cynicism and disillusionment with President Biden’s governance. But even further, this survey shows that most Americans believe the president, along with his cronies at the federal and state levels of government, is actively engaged in a wholesale effort to imprison a political opponent to boost Biden’s chances of winning reelection.

If this is the case, the 91 charges stretched out over numerous indictments might just backfire on Democrats in November – especially with independents, a voting bloc that Biden is struggling to win over.

A new poll conducted by the Center Square and released Wednesday shows that about 55 percent of the electorate disapproves of the president’s performance so far. But among independents, only 32 percent approve of the job Biden is doing, while 60 percent disapprove.

Even worse for Democrats, the poll also shows that if Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Cornel West, and Jill Stein remain in the race, a significant chunk of independents would veer away from supporting the president.

What makes this situation even more dire for the president is that Trump has been running neck and neck with Biden even with the politically motivated efforts to prosecute him. Indeed, some polls even show that Trump is slightly ahead of the president.

These results suggest that the indictments are either doing no damage or are helping Trump because voters don’t believe they are 100 percent legitimate, even if they are not fans of the former president. This raises another question: If Trump is convicted of a serious crime, will it even matter? Some polls suggest it would – but it is not easy to tell at this juncture.

The upcoming election is already turning out to have its share of drama. Between the prosecutions against Trump and the revelations emerging from the House Republicans’ impeachment inquiry about Biden, this contest has already been a significant departure from past races. Many times, an incumbent victory is a foregone conclusion. But in this case, it could go either way.