Sunday, March 3, 2024

November Can’t Come Fast Enough

When dealing with progressive Democrats, it is getting more and more difficult to not just tell them where they can shove things, where they go themselves, and what they can do with themselves once they get there. It’s even more difficult to not say those things with colorful language that used to only be reserved for late-night pay cable, or creative usage of English words that would cause discomfort in a drunken professional football locker room. That’s a long way of saying I’d love to treat these people the way they treated conservatives during the Trump administration – not affording them a moment’s peace or a quiet night out, should they be spotted in a restaurant somewhere.

I do wish Republicans were as organized and, honestly, douche-y as the left is. How many Republicans were chased out of public places by screaming mobs of left-wing fascist goon squads mobilized through social media because someone was spotted having dinner quietly? We just don’t have that much time on our hands, or an army of trust fund babies who hate capitalism and their parents (but don’t give up the money) at the ready to “mobilize” the second a spotter finds a Republican minding their own business. 

You do have to wonder what these people do with the rest of their time, till the call comes in. One imagines it’s writing erotic fan fiction involving AOC, Eric Swalwell, a dwarf, a few square yards of Naugahyde, Fang Fang and enough Vaseline to bring back every 1950s hairstyle to the entire population of New York City, not to mention some powerful chemicals for clean-up. Just kidding, their fantasies involve humiliation and their moms. 

But they are at the ready, always. The Nazi SS had a slower reaction time when someone criticized Hitler, so the progressive movement has upped its game since then.

While they are quick to action and violence, they aren’t quick to solve problems. That’s mostly because they aren’t interested in actually “solving” anything. When you solve a problem, it is done, right? You don’t have the same thing with a car every time you get into it. Yet, they “fixed” health care with Obamacare and are now promising to fix health care. They “fixed” the border with Biden’s executive orders and are now promising to fix the border. They “fixed” the economy with the “Inflation Reduction Act” and are now promising to fix the economy. The list is endless.

As tempting as it is to say these people are dumb, that is wrong. They aren’t stupid, they’re evil. There’s a difference. 

Yes, the drone army of “activists” who’ve never had an original thought in their miserable lives – people with dozens of printed protest signs in their garage, ready to go, based on whatever outrage they’re instructed to care about on any given day – are dumb people. But their masters know exactly what they’re doing. They need an army of stupid people to parrot their talking points, otherwise, they’re left with arguing, “Big government has failed, we need bigger government.” 

Even a tenured moron who insists on being called “Doctor” because they wrote a 3rd grade-level paper about keeping kids in community colleges would be able to see through that (looking at you, Jill).

Reality is beginning to terrify Democrats. The sheep they’ve been using to pull the wool over people’s eyes is nearly naked. Even the New York Times is finding this in their polling, writing, “The gender gap, for instance, is no longer benefiting Democrats. Women, who strongly favored Mr. Biden four years ago, are now equally split, while men gave Mr. Trump a nine-point edge. The poll showed Mr. Trump edging out Mr. Biden among Latinos, and Mr. Biden's share of the Black vote is shrinking, too.”

There is nothing more terrifying to the left than people questioning things they’ve been told by those in authority. They’d prefer the average CNN anchor, who can’t think for themselves, or the MSBNC anchor who’d do or say anything to ensure their audience never does.

But reality has a funny way of creeping into people’s lives, as it is not dependent upon someone’s belief in it. Every Rachel Maddow monologue declaring people better off than they realize is kneecapped by a single trip to the grocery store. Every Joy Reid declaration of something being racist or cultural appropriation is smacked across the face with the dead fish of reality that her hair is blonde. 

These people are the enemies of America and reality is their kryptonite. 

Polls are looking good now, very good, but November is a long way away. Don’t get complacent, don’t take comfort in those polls, any polls. By election day, none of us should be able to sit down because we worked our asses completely off. Democrats can’t just be beaten, they need to be destroyed, up and down the ballot. They need to be humiliated to the point they reject the radical, anti-American direction they’ve moved and purge the violent extremists in their midst. 

Fight like hell, vote early, and drag others with you. Encourage voting by whatever means your state allows because Democrats are. November can’t come fast enough, but they can do a lot of damage between then and now. Be ready.