Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Michael Moore Says Israel Should Stop Fighting Hamas As White Christians Are the Real Enemy

Ben Kew reporting for RedState 

Far-left filmmaker Michael Moore has made one of his most bizarre suggestions yet. 

In an interview on MSNBC, Moore weighed in on the ongoing conflict in the Middle East by urging Israelis and Jews to confront their real enemy: white Christians.

He explained:

According to my knowledge of history, the enemies of Israel... the Jewish people of this world have been persecuted for 5,000 years. For the last 2,000 years, most of the persecution has come from white European-centric Christians. That's been your enemy.

No Palestinian ran the Spanish Inquisition! Your enemy is not the Palestinian people. It is white, Christian, European people who have been slaughtering Jews for the last 2,000 years.

Moore also weighed in on Joe Biden's recent embarrassment in his home state of Michigan, where over 100,000 people voted "uncommitted" as a protest against his candidacy. Many of those voters were Muslims furious about Biden's lukewarm support for Israel's campaign in Gaza. 

The 69-year-old filmmaker explained he supported the campaign to help prevent a Trump victory in November:

The reason why those of us started this campaign, is to basically save Biden from himself. Because of what he’s done, to support this massacre, to fund it, to be the bank, for Israel in the slaughter of these people. That he is essentially guaranteeing that thousands and thousands of Americans are going to stay home and not vote on Election Day. Because they’re not going to vote for [Donald] Trump. But this is how Trump could win.

Why would you risk that, President Biden? This is when you need to be a politician. What you should do is the moral thing which is stop the carpet bombing, stop the slaughter, make sure aid comes in — don’t be dropping aid with parachutes like it was some kind of Looney Tunes cartoon.

Moore added that as well as risking the return of Trump to the White House, Biden was also enabling a "genocide" in the Gaza strip: 

The fact that Joe Biden isn’t listening to the people, it’s a sad thing. It’s going to hurt him, if he doesn’t change, and change now. And going on TV a couple of days before the primary, with Seth Meyers, poor Seth. Stuck with the ice cream cone… when Biden promised that there would be a cease-fire by this Monday. From your reporting here on MSNBC, that doesn’t sound like that’s going to happen.

Listen to the families right now that have been directly impacted, but also listen to majority of Americans that are saying enough. No more wars, no more using our dollars to fund a genocide.

Although the Biden administration has indicated its support for Israel, there are growing concerns among his strategists that his stance is alienating key Democratic constituencies such as young people and American Muslims. 

Last week, Biden expressed hope that the U.S. could help broker a ceasefire agreement before the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. 

"I’m hoping so, we’re still working real hard on it. We’re not there yet,” he told reporters at the White House. “We’ll get there, but we’re not there yet — we may not get there."