Thursday, March 21, 2024

In Disgraceful Remarks, NDP MP Says Anti-Semitism Can’t Be Addressed Until There Is A Ceasefire

NDP MP Brian Masse is tacitly embracing the horrendous idea that Jewish Canadians should be blamed for a war happening halfway around the world.

For those still wondering whether the NDP has been completely overtaken by the mind virus of anti-Semitism, recent remarks from NDP MP Brian Masse should erase all doubt.

Speaking in the House of Commons, Masse explicitly tied anti-Semitism to the war against Hamas in Gaza, and then said nothing could be done about anti-Semitism until there was a ceasefire:

“NDP MP Brian Masse—on the floor of the House— saying that there’s nothing that can be done about antisemitism in Canada so long as there’s a foreign war going on which Canadian Jews have no control over.

This is antisemitism.

It is shameful and shocking coming from an MP.”

Frankly, this is disgusting.

Masse is basically saying Jewish Canadians can’t be protected from anti-Semitism because there is a war going on halfway around the world.

This represents a complete abandonment of the Jewish community, and gives a total free pass to the anti-Semitic mobs.

This is further evidence – as if their appalling pro-Hamas motion wasn’t enough – that the NDP has become a deeply anti-Semitic organization that is diametrically opposed to Canadian Values.

Spencer Fernando