Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Hunter Biden Associate Confirms Joe Biden Had Email Aliases While Serving As Vice President

Jeff Charles reporting for RedState 

A former business associate of Hunter Biden spilled some tea during his testimony before the House Judiciary Committee’s impeachment inquiry hearing. While addressing lawmakers, Eric Schwerin confirmed that President Joe Biden used email aliases when he was serving as vice president under the Obama administration.

Schwerin’s testimony sheds more light on the intricate web of personal and financial connections that blur the lines between the Biden family’s private dealings and public service. He was intimately involved in managing both Joe and Hunter Biden’s personal finances, which puts him in a unique position to give more detail about the family’s business matters.

A longtime business partner of Hunter Biden, Eric Schwerin, said in a closed-door interview Tuesday with members of the House Oversight Committee that he is "not aware of any financial transactions or compensation" that then-Vice President Joe Biden received related to business conducted by this family members, calling the allegations "preposterous," according to Schwerin's opening statement obtained by ABC News.

Schwerin was called the appear before the Oversight Committee as part of the Republican-led impeachment inquiry into the President Joe Biden, for whom Schwerin previously worked as a financial adviser before going into business with his son, Hunter Biden.

"I am not aware of any financial transactions or compensation that Vice President Biden received related to business conducted by any of his family members or their associates nor any involvement by him in their businesses. None," Schwerin told the committee, according to his statement.

In January, RedState’s Nick Arama reported on Schwerin’s opening remarks in which he claimed House Republicans’ accusations against the president were “preposterous.”

However, Schwerin’s actions and testimony give reason to believe that President Biden wasn’t being truthful when he claimed he had no knowledge of, or involvement in, his son’s shady foreign business dealings.

In August 2023, it was reported that Schwerin had visited the White House and the Biden residences numerous times when Joe Biden was serving as vice president.

Eric Schwerin dropped in at the executive mansion and the Naval Observatory in Washington on at least 36 occasions in total between 2009 and 2016, according to an analysis published Monday by Fox News.

The Post initially reported in April 2022 that Schwerin visited the White House and vice president’s residence at least 19 times while Joe Biden was Barack Obama’s second-in-command.

Eight additional visits from 2016 subsequently were discovered in visitor logs by Fox News.

This seems to suggest that the relationship between Schwerin and the Bidens was more intimate than he would have us believe. However, it was Schwerin’s comments about the president’s email aliases that raised eyebrows.

Fox News Digital first reported that Biden, as vice president, used email aliases and private email addresses to communicate with Hunter Biden and his business associates hundreds of times – including with Schwerin. The communications came between 2010 and 2019, with the majority of email traffic taking place while Biden was serving as vice president.

The House Ways & Means Committee, which is co-leading the impeachment inquiry alongside the Oversight and Judiciary Committees, said 54 of those emails were "exclusively" between Joe Biden and Schwerin. The Ways & Means Committee describes Schwerin as "the architect of the Biden family’s shell companies."

Schwerin affirmed that an email address labeled “Robinware456” was associated with Joe Biden. He also identified aliases used by Valerie and Beau Biden. “Robert L. Peters” was another email Joe used while communicating with the financial advisor.

This story isn’t just about emails and financial transactions. It is about the standards to which public officials are held. Schwerin’s remarks raise several important questions to which the American public should be demanding answers.

For starters, how much can we trust Schwerin’s testimony? Given the closeness of his relationship with the Biden family, it is not beyond the realm of imagination that he might conceal information that would be damaging to the president. If he was one of the individuals who managed father and son’s finances, it is highly likely that he would know whether Biden was involved.

Indeed, the fact that Schwerin had such a close relationship with the president pokes a major canyon into Biden’s claims that he did not interact with his son’s business partners. What else is the president lying about?

Moreover, if Joe Biden was simply engaging with Schwerin to manage his personal finances, what is the point of having several email aliases? If his business relationship with Schwerin was on the up and up, what is the point of this level of secrecy?

Of course, there could be sensible explanations for all of these things. But given what we know so far, it is difficult to believe there is no fire accompanying the smoke House Republicans have uncovered so far.