Sunday, March 3, 2024

Facing Irrelevance David McIntosh and Club for Growth Reverse Course, Now Support MAGA and Trump

President Trump holds a remarkable disposition for providing grace, forgiveness and acceptance. I do not possess such an admirable skillset.

The Club for Growth and David McIntosh were/are the vehicle behind Ron DeSantis’ political career. The CfG organization organized donors, groups, PAC support and operated as an attack mechanism against President Trump and the MAGA movement for the past several years.

In the past two years the CfG has spent millions viciously undermining MAGA and President Trump. Their disdain for the middle class is palpable, and they hate the America First Main Street agenda. As the Chamber of Commerce is to Bush Republicans, the CfG Inc is to the Paul Ryan clan of GOPe politics.

Apparently, President Trump has forgiven CfG and David McIntosh for the attacks against MAGA; I am of no similar disposition. I have two words for McIntosh and the PAC he represents, and they are not “Merry Christmas”.

“The fact is, Club for Growth PAC and President Trump have accomplished a lot working together. From tax reform to deregulation, President Trump unleashed prosperity for all Americans. Our country stands at a crossroad. Inflation and interest rates are pricing middle-class families out of home ownership and too many parents are having trouble putting food on the table. Crime is destroying cities and seeping into the suburbs, and our public schools are spending more than ever and failing our kids. Joe Biden and the radical Progressives only make things worse – this is what woke looks like. This is the most important election of our time. It’s time for Republicans to unite and put our differences aside. We need to work together to make sure Biden is a one term president. We need to grow our majority in the House and reclaim the majority in the Senate. We need to restore the American Dream, and the only way we can do that is by working together. President Trump always says ‘When Trump and the Club for Growth PAC are together, we always win.’ And together we are going to win back the White House and more this November.”

– David McIntosh, President, Club for Growth PAC

All of these false supporters need to be dispatched with extreme prejudice.  No one in any “never Trump” movement, regardless of how much they say they have reformed, can ever be trusted with anything.  You are the group who understand this reasoning first and foremost.

I have been working on an operational system that is intended to directly target anyone in the “Republican” or “conservative” political sphere that tries to stop, impede or block the America First agenda, or target Donald Trump after the successful 2024 election.

Armed with an absolute boatload of data and information, the next 48 hours are traveling time. I should be back to home office full working schedule March 5th.  From there, I will outline what specific actionable steps can be taken to organize on a state and regional level.