Friday, March 15, 2024

Ex-Business Partner Slams Hunter, Joe Biden for 'Running Away' From the Truth, Offers Perfect Solution

Mike Miller reporting for RedState 

Let's begin with this premise: Former Hunter Biden business partner Tony Bobulinski remains on a quest to reveal the truth about the Biden Family Business and associated influence peddling. On the other hand, Joe and Hunter Biden continue to run from the truth as fast and as often as they can.

That is if you believe the sworn testimony of Bobulinski, which I do. 

First, let's catch up a bit. 

As we reported on February 28, Hunter Biden, after months of performing an evasive kabuki dance, finally testified before the House Oversight and House Judiciary Committees — behind closed doors — about his nefarious foreign business dealings. It's worth noting Joe's wayward son moved the goalpost during his testimony, claiming he never "involved" his father in his business dealings — while Joe has steadfastly claimed he never even "discussed" Hunter's various business shenanigans with him. 

On Wednesday, Hunter rejected a request to testify at an open hearing before a Republican-controlled House committee conducting an impeachment probe of Joe, his lawyer Abbe Lowell said on Wednesday. In a letter to House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY), Lowell wrote (sneered):

To begin, even if that hearing was a legitimate exercise of congressional authority, neither Mr. Biden nor I can attend because of a court hearing the very next day in California. The scheduling conflict is the least of the issues, however.

Your blatant planned-for-media event is not a proper proceeding but an obvious attempt to throw a Hail Mary pass after the game has ended. Mr. Biden declines your invitation to this carnival side show.

Arrogant as hell. Besides, the Hail Mary pass continues to be thrown by Hunter Biden and Abbe Lowell.

Later on Wednesday, Bobulinski responded to his former business partner's refusal to testify, slamming Biden for "running away" from the American people. 

One week from today — on Wednesday, March 20 — I will testify publicly before the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability. I was disappointed to see the news today that Hunter is running away from his chance to tell the American people the truth. 

He’s been adamant in wanting to go before the American people, and Oversight is now giving him that opportunity. Now is the time to step up, Hunter, as you have said you want to do. Don’t cower in the face of accountability and in this fight for truth and democracy!

Does Bobulinski appear to be the one who's lying? Of course not. He then called for "truth and transparency" from the Bidens.

Joe Biden and Hunter Biden, along with countless members of Congress, keep claiming that they are 'fighting for our Democracy.' Why don't we as a nation agree to fight for the truth! Nearly three-quarters of the American people believe the country is headed in the wrong direction, and I can’t blame them. 

Truth and transparency would help expose the rot at the center of our political system and begin to fix what ails us. I am excited and happy to have the opportunity to once again share the facts with the American people. I am deeply committed to getting the full truth before the nation.

Bobulinksi also called for witnesses in the hearing, including himself, to be subject to a polygraph with "real-time results to be viewed by the American people," adding: 

What better way to ensure that the truth is being told by every witness, including Joe, Hunter and Jim Biden in any future potential hearings?

Bobullinski then offered Hunter Biden a deal: to appear together before the House committee for an additional hearing whenever it would be convenient for Biden. 

If by chance March 20th really doesn't work due to your multiple criminal indictments, please name the date and time and I will be happy to join you at a second hearing for the American people.

So let's sum this up. Who would any reasonable and objective person believe is being truthful here, and who would that person think lies practically every time their lips are moving? Exactly. 

The Bottom Line

As the old saying goes, you can run, but you can't hide. In the case of the Biden Family Business and foreign influence peddling, I'll believe it when I see it. (See: "Two-tiered justice system.")