Sunday, March 31, 2024

Disturbing details emerge surrounding Governor Kathy Hochul’s political stunt at Officer Diller’s funeral…


The nation is in mourning over the loss of Officer Jon Diller, a 31-year-old police officer, husband, and father, ruthlessly killed by two career criminals during what should have been a routine traffic stop. 

There’s now a “pro-thug” stance that rules in New York, and as a result of that, this dedicated family man’s life was erased by a couple of dregs of humanity, robbing him of his future and his family of their loved one.

CBS News:

There was another large turnout at the second wake for NYPD Officer Jonathan Diller in Massapequa Park on Friday.

Sunny skies replaced Thursday’s soaking rains for the thousands standing in line Friday, but the mood was still dark in Massapequa Park.

“He was doing his duty, and I just feel in my heart to be here,” one mourner said.

“Didn’t have to happen. The laws need to be changed,” another mourner said.

Law enforcement and everyday New Yorkers turned out to support the 31-year-old officer’s heartbroken family, filing past back-the-blue memorial flowers and images of Diller’s wife, Stephanie, and their 1-year-old son, Ryan.

Many Americans showed up to pay their respects, including President Trump, who, as we all know, is a pro-cop and anti-criminal champion. The 45th president was welcomed with open arms by the grieving family.

On the flip side, New York Governor Kathy Hochul, despite her anti-cop policies, had the audacity to reach out to the police union, expressing her desire to attend the wake. Hochul is a typical establishment politician who talks out of both sides of her mouth. When it was popular, she cozied up to the “Defund the Police” radicals; when it stopped being popular, she quickly shifted gears and tried to act as if she were some amazing “pro-cop” warrior.

The New York Post:

Gov. Kathy Hochul claimed Tuesday that she supports law enforcement ” 100%” — despite cozying up to vocal supporters of the “Defund the Police” movement as part of her election bid.

“The era of denigrating our police is over. We support you 100 percent,” Hochul said at the New York State Association of Chiefs of Police Annual Conference in upstate Glens Falls.

“No one will ever say the words ‘Defund The Police’ in my presence. That is not going to go anywhere. You’re not going to make friends with me if you say that,” added Hochul, who expressed support for increasing state spending on police moving forward.

Her comments appear at odds with her running on the Working Families Party ballot line, in addition to as a Democrat, this November. Working Families has backed the “Defund” movement in the past. Hochul is up against Republican gubernatorial nominee Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-Suffolk) in the Nov. 8 election.

Her lieutenant governor is a radical key player in the “Defund the Police” movement. Kathy Hochul’s stance on law enforcement and their safety has been painfully and shamefully clear. She’s been perfectly comfortable with the idea of reducing police funding, essentially leaving officers to fend for themselves in a jungle of thugs and filth.

The New York Post piece goes on:

The governor’s defund ties also include the appointment of Brian Benjamin as her lieutenant governor last year alongside Amit Bagga as deputy secretary for intergovernmental affairs.

Both Benjamin and Bagga vowed to support defund efforts while running for city offices in 2021.

“The 1st big decision as Governor that Working Families Party backed Kathy Hochul made was to pick a Lt Governor. She chose Brian Benjamin, the champion of the defund the police movement in the State Legislature,” Zeldin, who has been endorsed by The Post’s Editorial Board, tweeted Tuesday. “That was his claim to fame until his arrest & resignation.”

The kicker is that Hochul was reportedly advised against attending but decided to show up anyway. This decision led to a very painful situation where she was asked to leave by grieving friends and family of Officer Diller. Her presence, instead of offering comfort, only served to deepen the wounds of those already suffering. She’s a ghoul.

If Kathy was told not to attend, why did she show up? To deliberately hurt the family? Maybe. And this is where the story turns particularly dark and unsettling. This political wicked witch, with motives as cold as ice, exploited Officer Diller’s tragic death for a photo op, pretending to be the “compassionate governor” who was reaching out with condolences. Meanwhile, she’s likely hoping that her heartless “removal” will paint the grieving family as rude and cold-hearted for not welcoming her “warm” gesture.

Look, this wasn’t just an awkward misstep by the governor; it was a calculated political strike against the grieving Diller family and a way to boost herself up and make it look as if she gives a damn about cops. It ranks as one of the most despicable political acts we’ve seen recently, which is saying a lot considering the regular low blows from the gutter-slithering Democrats.

Kyle Becker:

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul quickly wore out her welcome at slain NYPD Officer Jonathan Diller’s funeral as her photo-op went horribly awry.

NYPD make it clear that her presence was none-too-appreciated. When Hochul left, there was scattered applause from several mourners.

According to video evidence of the event, an unnamed man in a black suit made animated gestures towards the Democratic governor before she abruptly left the solemn ceremony.

Hochul had requested attendance from the NYPD, the NYPD Police Benevolent Association, and the Nassau County Police Benevolent Association in advance of her appearance. She arrived at the Massapequa Funeral Home on Long Island at p.m. for the second day of viewing, according to the New York Post.

One witness said that Hochul had engaged in an “animated” chat with Diller’s 29-year-old widow Stephanie during the funeral before leaving.

“[It looked] like she was telling [Hochul] off,” the witness said of their exchange. “It didn’t look like the widow had a kind word to say.”

It looks Kathy Hochul will have to look elsewhere for a photo-op to boost her declining approval ratings.

But to those who asked the governor to leave the funeral out of respect for the family, they too deserve a round of applause.

Every elitist Democrat politician and official ought to get the same brutal cold shoulder treatment when they step among the “peasants.” They deserve to be publicly mocked, called out, and ridiculed for pushing agendas that rip our country at the seams and endanger law-abiding citizens, all while emboldening “career thugs.” It’s time to show them the door, making it crystal clear how repulsive their actions are by outright rejecting these shameful and calculated political stunts. Let’s send a loud and clear message by turning our backs on their disgraceful stunts and sending them packing.

NY Post: