Friday, March 15, 2024

Chuck Schumer Calls for Regime Change in Israel From the U.S. Senate Floor

It's been reported for more than a week that the United States is actively seeking to enact regime change in Israel. The most recent effort sought to destroy the coalition that elected Benjamin Netanyahu as Prime Minister by actively supporting Netanyahu's rival Benny Gantz's opposition party, and that looks to have failed pretty hard. When that plot was made public, Netanyahu's government hit back with a stern statement saying they expect their friends (the United States) to focus on overthrowing Hamas, not the Israeli government, and that only the Israeli citizens have a say in who is Prime Minister, through elections.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) took that to mean that the United States should now advocate for new elections in Israel, to give Netanyahu the boot, and argued that on the floor of the Senate Thursday.

Schumer's speech is stunning for a few reasons. First, we usually keep our attempts at regime change a little less public. Second, it reveals Schumer's evil focus on keeping Netanyahu from quickly and decisively winning this war and obliterating the rapists and child murderers of Hamas. Third, it shows that despite all evidence that a two-state solution will never work, Schumer is still invested in using the United States government to make that happen.

For all of his warts, Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) gets this one right.

Guy Benson brought more of McConnell's words:

As I was listening to Schumer's public statements, knowing that so much more about our government's interference in foreign elections goes unsaid, the thought hit me once again: If he's this blatant about his desire to ensure regime change in a sovereign nation, what won't he and his allies do in this country to ensure that the person they want elected president wins?

Israel Fires Back at Chuck Schumer's Foreign 
Election Interference and Tells Him to Pound Sand
Bonchie reporting for RedState 

As RedState reported on Thursday, Sen. Chuck Schumer decided to engage in a bit of foreign election interference by going to the Senate floor and proclaiming that Israel must hold new elections. 

That comes as the American ally gears up to finish Hamas off in Gaza once and for all. In the face of that, Democrats have faced significant pushback from their radical, pro-terrorist base. 

As Jennifer Van Laar shared in her initial report, Schumer's behavior is insanely inappropriate and telling. 

Schumer's speech is stunning for a few reasons. First, we usually keep our attempts at regime change a little less public. Second, it reveals Schumer's evil focus on keeping Netanyahu from quickly and decisively winning this war and obliterating the rapists and child murderers of Hamas. Third, it shows that despite all evidence that a two-state solution will never work, Schumer is still invested in using the United States government to make that happen...

...As I was listening to Schumer's public statements, knowing that so much more about our government's interference in foreign elections goes unsaid, the thought hit me once again: If he's this blatant about his desire to ensure regime change in a sovereign nation, what won't he and his allies do in this country to ensure that the person they want elected president wins?

Remember when Democrats proclaimed foreign interference in elections to be a clear and present threat to "democracy?" Apparently, that standard doesn't apply when it comes to American politicians sticking their noses in the affairs of Israel. These are the same people who claim Russia stole an election with Facebook memes, but trying to sabotage an allied prime minister is just fine.

Schumer's motives are insidious. He is fearful that the current mission being carried out by Israel to end Hamas' rule will cost Joe Biden states like Michigan in the 2024 election. In other words, the Democrat Senate Majority Leader is willing to throw Israel under the bus and save a terrorist group from destruction to appease the pro-Hamas contingent in his party.

Unfortunately for Schumer, his attempt at meddling in an ally's elections is already backfiring. Israeli officials, current and former, immediately responded to Schumer, telling him to pound sand in no uncertain terms. 

Of note is that Ambassador Michael Herzog's brother is a member of the opposition party that tried to unseat Benjamin Netanyahu. That sort of goes against the narrative that there's a vast left wing in Israel just waiting to surrender to Hamas. 

Naftali Bennett, who replaced Netanyahu for a period in 2021, also spoke out in defiance of Schumer's comments.

Here's what American Democrats don't understand or at least pretend not to understand. Israelis overwhelmingly support the war against Hamas. That includes current opposition leader Benny Gantz, who is part of the war cabinet. 

If anything, Netanyahu has been a more moderating hand, taking significant steps to avoid escalation with Hezbollah while others have pushed for a more aggressive approach.

So if Israelis are largely united, with the vast majority opposing a "two-state solution," what's this really about? As mentioned above, this is about American domestic politics. Schumer is such a coward that he's willing to bend the knee to literal terrorist supporters in his party for what he sees as short-term political gain. It's not going to work, though. Israel isn't going to heed his call, and the pro-Hamas wing of the Democratic Party will continue to lose its mind.