Sunday, March 24, 2024

Christians and Guns: Two Things Schools Should Be Home To

On Friday, Jeff Charles released a VIP piece about California parents being upset about a Christian club at a high school that allegedly lured in kids with free pizza before talking to them about being saved. Parents were apparently not notified about this and weren't okay with something like this happening without their knowledge: 

“Back in my days when I was a high school student, to join any kind of club I needed my parents to sign a permission slip for me to attend,” one Clovis East parent said. “I am upset that they actually do have that kind of club there without parents’ consent.”

Some parents also pointed out that they do not practice Christianity at home, but they are religious and believe in different doctrines. They questioned if their children’s school allows other religions to conduct their activities on school grounds, and wondered why their underage children were being exposed to a religion they don’t practice at home in this manner.

Another parent, who has a student at Reyburn Intermediate, said their child learned about the free pizza at the lecture hall through the morning’s school-wide announcements. The parent said the child recalled an adult — not a student — leading an opening prayer and then talking about accepting God, repenting their sins and the relationship between Jesus and athletes. This parent also said their child wasn’t allowed to use their phone during the session. “They’re using pizza as a way to get children in,” one of the parents said.

And I agree. If anyone is going to talk to my child about something, even something I believe in, I want to be aware of it. 

But with that said, I understand why the people who put the club together probably felt it was better to ask for forgiveness instead of asking permission. It's a California school. The moment anyone said the words "Christian club" would probably be the moment Antifa, LGBT activists, and useful idiots would have been storming the school grounds and chanting some stupid NPC phrase in unison at innocent children. 

However, I agree with all my heart that a Christian club should exist in every school. And why not? Christianity is the basis of our civilization. Judeo-Christian values guide our nation's moral compass, even if many people don't want to admit that. 

Kids can find guidance in strength in Christianity, and to this day, no community is more supportive or helpful than a Christian one that keeps Christ at the center of everything it says and does. If people want to form a Christian club at school, they should be able to. It hurts no one to have it there, and if you don't want your kid to be a part of it...then don't sign them up. 

I would also say that if other religions want to have clubs there, then by all means. Have a Hindu club, a Mormon club, or even one about Taoism. 

What about a Muslim club? Doubtless, there will be Muslim students in quite a few high schools and so long as they don't take it into radicalized territory, then whatever. Have one. 

But what about a Satanist club? Here is where I start drawing lines. 

I've heard the argument that if we allow a Christian club, then we must also allow a Satanist club. I disagree. Not all ideologies are created equal; Satanism offers nothing but destruction, unhealthy lifestyles, and an ideology that points due south on the moral compass. There is nothing to be gained from a Satanist club for the youth, an ideology that literally encourages things such as premarital and casual sex as well as witchcraft. 

A club should be both uplifting, and educational, and help a kid find a community they can be a part of that helps them, not leads them astray. It should help them understand and appreciate the stunning and nigh-miraculous American culture they're being raised in, not hate or resent it for its flaws. 

To that end, I think there should be other clubs available to students that help them understand thingslike a stock market club, an auto club, a patriot club, a tech club, and especially...a gun club. 

One thing that I feel would benefit our nation greatly is a gun club in high schools and middle schools, with varying degrees of interaction with firearms depending on your grade. For instance, in middle school, a gun club will teach things like types of firearms, assembling, cleaning, and care, while high school clubs would actually get around to firing them at ranges. 

I think it's criminal that some places have banned gun clubs from schools for "safety" because I don't see safety in ignorance. Many people can't tell a bolt-action from a semi-automatic, a shotgun from a rifle, or an AR-15 from an M240L medium machine gun judging by how some Democrats talk.

If you really want to make America a safer place, teach kids about guns. They're literally a part of our culture, and so much so that they're the second thing talked about in the Bill of Rights. Guns aren't going anywhere no matter how much the left tries to get us to panic about them, and we would be much better off as a society if we embraced that part of ourselves, learned about it, became responsible and proficient with them, and understood judicious use. Blind fear is not going to save the day. Creating useless stigmas helps no one but those who suspiciously want us to disarm. 

Schools would benefit from an injection of morality and responsibility. Christianity and guns can teach those two things. Let people have these clubs.