Sunday, March 10, 2024

Biden Snaps at MSNBC Reporter on Israel and Has New, Ugly Supreme Court Remarks

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

Joe Biden had some truly delusional moments during his Saturday interview with MSNBC's Jonathan Capehart. 

He apologized for calling Laken Riley's accused killer "illegal," saying he should not have done that and that illegal aliens "built the country." That was incredibly vile and an effort to bend over for the left. 

On top of that, he was all over the place on Israel, saying he didn't have a "red line" but then saying that Israel can't go too far. He was delusional about how much the left hates him on Israel. He claimed it wasn't a "widely shared sentiment" that he was assisting in genocide by helping the Jewish state. Now I think the pro-Hamas protesters are delusional too, but it is a "widely held sentiment" when hundreds of thousands of folks are voting "uncommitted" rather than for Joe Biden because they disapprove of what he is doing.

Look at how angry he is as he shoots daggers at Capehart for daring to say such a thing to him. He doesn't take being challenged well. 

During his State of the Union address, Joe Biden also had a moment where he threatened the Supreme Court with some of the Justices sitting right in front of him. It was a truly ugly departure from the norm. 

"You're about to realize just how much you're..." Biden said before his voice trailed off, not finishing the threat.

That was truly despicable and it was clear none of the Justices were happy with that completely improper action by Biden. He talks about threats to "democracy" as he threatens one of the three branches of our Constitutional system. 

Now that's disgraceful. Even as the Court is considering critical cases involving his political opponent, he seems to want to intimidate them. 

Has Biden forgotten about the leftist who went to Justice Kavanaugh's house to kill him because he had been whipped up on the matter of abortion? Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY), who had previously threatened Kavanaugh and Justice Neil Gorsuch that they would reap the "whirlwind," was sitting right behind them and began madly clapping in approval at Biden's threat. 

During the interview, Biden again went after the Supreme Court, trying to claim that they were "insulting" women with their decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. 

Capehart asked Biden: 

"You were once the Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee. So, I was struck by your direct comments to the Supreme Court who are arrayed right there in front of you. Am I right in thinking that you view the Roberts Court as a political body and the conservative majority of politicians instead of jurists?

 "No. Look, I think they made a wrong decision," Biden said. Then he added this delusional take:

"I think they read the Constitution wrong. I think they made a mistake. And I was being blunt and a part of it that they said, remember, what they said was, it's up to the states to decide. That's really what the -- what was said. It's no longer constitutionally guaranteed principle. And they use the phrase that women can vote, making changes they want to. I found that somewhat insulting the idea that they don't think they can. Women are speaking now. They spoke out in 2022. They spoke out in 2024, 2020. This is what's going to happen.


And I was just making clear, women speak up, this is going to change. And if you give me some -- if you give me a Congress, that's Democrat, we're going to change it back to Roe v. Wade."

That's of course nonsense from Biden; it's him thinking through his political lens where everything is a shot meant for the opposition. The Justices don't think that way. When they mean that this puts the question back where it should be -- in the hands of the people, it's because that's where they think it should be. That again is what the Democrats don't seem to understand about the case -- the Democrats were the anti-democratic ones in this matter, while the present Supreme Court is the one that believed it was constitutionally up to the people to decide. He thinks telling them the people are going to vote is somehow one-upping the Court when that's what they were already saying. 

But that's Joe, constantly wrong on virtually every issue.