Saturday, March 16, 2024

A Tale About Decency and Why the Current First Family Is Not a Shining Example of It

In my job as a radio talk show host and writer here at RedState, I occasionally encounter a topic that someone has hit that is so spot-on but also is personally infuriating to me, that I feel the need to pontificate about it myself. 

Of course, those who do this for a living are full of opinions, so any subject matter striking us is not uncommon to get the writing juices flowing.

Sometimes, when the subject matter appeals to us, and we're passionate about it for any number of reasons, like when I wrote about Pete Rose not belonging in the Hall of Fame. I love brball, so Pete not being in it is just common sense, and I explain those reasons in the article below. 

Yet there are other times when a topic hits you and is highly personal like the one below is to me. You put yourself in the person's shoes or relate to the subject more meaningfully because you've lived it in one way or another.

This is why the article listed below almost feels like I got hit with a brball bat when I read it earlier this morning. I'm speaking of Derek Hunter's blistering article at our companion site, Jill Biden Is an Absolute Disgrace.

This passage set the whole post on fire, hit me in the feels, and inspired me to write about Jill Biden and her behavior toward her husband.

Jill, who insists on being call “Dr. Jill” because that’s what people lacking real accomplishments do, stands idly by as her husband is abused by handlers because she loves the trappings of the White House. An argument could be made that she’s simply too stupid to notice what’s happening, and that is possible, but it’s unlikely. She sees him up close, and has for years. Joe has always been stupid, but the senility is new. It would be harder to miss than all of his groping, grabbing, nibbling, sniffing, rubbing and sexually assaulting over the years, all of which (except the last one) were regularly done in public.

Jill didn’t care. Jill doesn’t care.

To me, there is so much packed into that passage above; it is almost flawless, touching on so many subjects in such a short space about the Bidens' ineptitude as a whole. 

The phrase that Joe has always been stupid, but the senility is new, is a bull's-eye strike.

That comment about how stupid Joe Biden was as a United States Senator for years is nothing new, for anybody who has watched his career, even from afar. He has always been a bumbler and exaggerator, not someone you would consider a leader in any vital subject.

You can almost hear him say, "C'mon, man!"

I've said a number of times on my radio show that if you knew the authentic Joe Biden as the Senator from some state that most people couldn't find on a map, you would fully understand why John McCain would sit next to him in the Senate chambers. This was because anybody sitting next to Joe Biden would automatically raise their IQ by 50 to 60 points. 

Biden has always been stupid, but his senility is new and comes at the worst time in his life in public service, being he holds the top job in the Executive branch of the United States Constitution.

Yet, the part Derek points out and the one thing that those of us who have borne the extraordinary privilege and responsibility of being caregivers for loved ones is this. How could his wife Jill or any member of his immediate family allow the abuse and degradation of him to continue before this country and the world?

This type of criticism is not new to Jill Biden, as my colleague Sister Toldjah points out in her article from 2022. 

In a normal situation, a woman stepping in to protect and defend her aging husband, to make sure he’s not taken advantage of or made to look bad is not a big deal. There are female caregivers all across America who do just that every day with their spouses, and that’s okay.

But this is not a normal situation we’re talking about there. Joe Biden is the President of the United States, a position in which projecting strength and demonstrating the ability to communicate coherently and make your own decisions is paramount to your success here at home and abroad as well as with your international foes, who though they may not respect whoever the president is at any given time do respect strength.

Disturbing New Report Reveals Depths of Shover in Chief Jill Biden’s Control Over Joe, His Handlers

So, as someone who has cared for a loved one who suffered from the evil throes of Alzheimer's, we are given the responsibility and moral duty to try to protect them and be their best advocate. We are not supposed to, for our own selfish needs or desires, take advantage of them or let them suffer in any way.

People who are afflicted by mental degradation have some good days and some awful days. Still, there is no magic pill or super secret moment of walking behind closed doors, and magically, the person who is suffering is in fine form. Joe Biden has always been one of the dimest bulbs in Washington, D.C. Even the most casual observer can see that the last filaments in his bulb are dimming fast, yet his loved ones can't. 

 After the Hur report went public, the attempts to excuse away the findings and explain why he won't be charged for legit crimes because of his current mental acuity, the White House has been doubling down on the fiction that Biden is operating near normal.

Watching somebody that you care for slip away is one of the most painful things one person can do while trying to hold themselves together and attempting to be strong for all involved. I don't think anyone is necessarily born to do that job, but if you were strengthened by the hand of God and strive to use common sense, you can get through it to the best of your ability. If your intent is correct, you will make mistakes and struggle; ask God and your loved one for forgiveness.

That is, if you actually care.

I would be ashamed if I were a family member involved in the show at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. I hope I would be strong enough to stand up to whoever's in charge. I would tell them it's time to let the old guy rest and relax on his laurels for the “ job” he's done over the past 40 or so years in public service.

However, shame is not in the Biden lexicon, as evidenced over the past four years, and as Derek says above...    

Jill doesn’t care.

Damn shame, for Joe's sake; someone in his family should.