Wednesday, March 20, 2024

A Bloodbath of Regime Media Credibility

You know, there’s a popular meme going around out there about how you don’t hate the regime media enough, and that just goes to show you that every meme contains a glimmer of truth. In fact, you don’t hate the regime media anywhere near enough. It’s theoretically impossible to hate the regime media enough. You would have to have a council of champion haters working 24/7, supported by thousands of hater minions, in order to even begin approaching how much you should hate the regime media. And then you would still fall short.

Donald Trump said, “Bloodbath!” It doesn’t matter what the context was because context doesn’t matter. Figurative language stops being a thing when used by Donald Trump. Perhaps the left is pretending or perhaps it assumes that all of its adherents are slack-jawed morons. But maybe it’s not that either. Maybe it’s just a deep cynicism among the liars and the lied-to where they both know it’s bullSchiff and silently agree to pretend that the lie is the truth. I don’t know how you live like that. I don’t know how you could have any self-respect. Of course, if I were part of the regime media or our ruling class, I wouldn’t have any self-respect either.

You need not wonder what the point of the never-ending “TRUMP SAID!” lies is. We know how communists work, and we know why Pinochet tossed them out of helicopters. Communists lie, and then they expect you to lie along with them to demonstrate your obedience. Lying is an act of solidarity. You can certainly sacrifice your life for communism, but it’s even more of a sacrifice if you kill your own honor and self-respect. That’s what they’re doing. That’s what they do when they nod along with what they know to be a lie. They show themselves as miserable creatures, mollusks, unworthy of respect, ineligible for basic dignity.

What a despicable state that is. It’s mortifying. Imagine yourself being someone who lies, knowing it’s a lie, to people who know you are lying, and they then they lie back when they agree with you. Think about that. If you saw someone else do that, you would have nothing but contempt for him. But to choose to do it as a sign of submission  to a grotesque ideology of scumbags, murderers, and losers. Sickening.

Oh no, Donald Trump is threatening a civil war if he loses the election! Donald Trump is a lot of things, but Donald Trump isn’t anywhere near violent. If he were, he would have unleashed the military on the BLM and Antifa scumbags who were launching a murder and looting spree throughout the country. Of course, that wouldn’t have been a bad thing. Maintaining law and order is a good thing. Even the left agrees, except only in one particular case that occurred one time on January 6 within a couple blocks inside our nation’s capital. Other than that, the left is against it.

But let’s assume that Donald Trump is threatening a reign of terror and a mass murder spree on par with that of the Palestinians that most of these commie scumbags adore. What are the woke wine mommies and pinko femboys going to do about it? We’ve got all the guns. And, with our rural rage and our racism, sexism, transphobia, fatphobia, and all the other -isms and -phobias, we’re pretty awful people, right? It seems like we are really scary. Maybe they shouldn’t screw with us.

But they do, so, why aren’t they scared? I mean, if there were somebody ready, willing, and able to kill me, I’d think twice about running my piehole. But they don’t think twice about it because they don’t think we will ever do it. But here’s the problem. By normalizing the accusation, they are going to normalize the action. Right now, there are morals, norms, and guardrails still in place, at least for us patriots – so far, we’re not trying to put our main political opponent in prison for the rest of his life for the crime of opposing the elite. But when they normalize such things, such things become normal. They start throwing around “bloodbath” libels and pretty soon, when somebody does propose a bloodbath for real, they are going to scream about it like little sissies, and everyone’s going to shrug because they have established themselves as liars. Remember the boy who cried wolf? Yeah, that involves gender assumptions and probably ticks off PETA, but focus on the moral of the story. You only have so much credibility, and when you burn it up, it’s burned up.

As I have observed before, Trump isn’t our last chance. Trump is their last chance. With Trump, you have a guy who actually accepts most of the premises of the garbage ruling class. He was famously a member of it until he dared to defy it. He has not imprisoned anybody or killed anybody. He’s not likely to start. That nonsense about him sending SEAL Team 6 after his enemies was just stupid, but the commies pretend like it’s real. That’s nothing new. Remember how they treated Mitt Romney? That invertebrate was going to put black people back in chains, remember that? When everybody’s the worst, what’s the incentive for not being the worst if you’re going to get blamed for it anyway? If there’s no additional cost for being awful, why wouldn’t you always be awful if that was your advantage? They look back on George Bush – Bu$Hitlerburton! – but now he’s a great statesman. The aforementioned Romney is no longer attempting to re-enslave black people – he’s a hero to the MSNBCNN set. What’s going to happen to them when the next guy comes along after DJT, and he really is mean? They’ll look back on Trump and say, “You know, he was totally Hitler 2.0, but he really wasn’t quite so bad.”

Smart people would leave the hyperventilation and 100% freakouts for those very rare situations that justify hyperventilation and 100% freakouts. You saw what happened with the word “racism.” No one cares if he’s called a racist anymore. It doesn’t mean anything. It’s completely devoid of any kind of power. At one time, they called you a racist and you would take a personal inventory to make sure you were not. Now, you laugh because you can be certain that it’s a cheesy attempt to shut you up. The word is now a punchline, and that is all on the people who most loudly proclaim their alleged anti-racism.

The same will be true of “bloodbath.” What happens when there’s somebody who really will use violence to crush the opposition? What if he threatens a bloodbath? What’s everyone going to do, take the regime media seriously? They’re going to think it is a liar because the regime media is a liar.

Like the memers say, you can’t hate the regime media enough. The problem for the regime media is that its stupidity is likely to bring people to power who will act on that hatred. And when that happens, they best not look to us normal people for help when they face a real bloodbath. We will be too busy saying, “We told you so.”