Saturday, February 3, 2024

Texas Proves Biden Could Have Stopped Border Crisis: Stats Show Powerful Effect of Real Border Defense

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

New stats are showing something that's going to make Joe Biden look very bad. 

Suddenly, illegal crossings at the southern border are now increasingly happening in Arizona & California, moving away from Texas, according to Fox's Bill Melugin.

Sources with U.S. Customs and Border Protection told Fox News that over the last week of January, Border Patrol apprehended 32,809 illegal immigrants. 

Per CBP sources, 23,576 of them – 71.8% – were in Arizona and California. Notably, the numbers in Texas' Del Rio sector, which includes Eagle Pass, have fallen off a cliff. In December, the sector saw days of 3,000-4,000 illegal crossings per day. Over the last week, it has averaged around just 200. 

That's a huge drop from 3,000-4,000 down to 200. And now they're going to Arizona and California. 

So what's the difference? The biggest difference seems to be the defense being put up by the state of Texas. 

Texas has locked things down on their side of the border, and Mexico has increased enforcement against migrants arriving in the Mexican state of Coahuila following Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s visit to Mexico in December. 

Mexico is now suddenly stopping migrants from boarding trains, and is removing migrants from their northern border down to their southern border following that meeting. 

And the migrants who do cross there now find a very unwelcoming posture from the state of Texas with legions of soldiers, troopers and razor wire, as well as the threat of arrest. It is unknown what the U.S. offered Mexico in return for this cooperation. 

Now, this is fascinating. So we don't know what Biden may have promised Mexico, and we have to wonder what that is. I tend not to trust anything they do. But it does show Biden could likely have done this all along, as former President Donald Trump did when he worked with Mexico to have the country work like a "wall." 

But the Biden team only made this latest move in December. Why couldn't they have done that, to begin with or, frankly, just keep what Trump had already put in place? They're likely only doing it now because of the election and how much it's hurting Biden in the polls. And that's a despicable thing when you consider how much illegal immigration has taxed and harmed the American people over the past three years under Biden. And they're still fighting Texas, who's trying to defend its citizens and the American people. 

It shows with glaring evidence how this "crisis" should never have happened — that this could have been dealt with immediately, simply by enforcing the law as Texas has done and working with Mexico, rather than breaking the system as Biden did. 

It also shows how Biden is still failing because now the illegal aliens are fleeing to where they can get in, where they don't face the tough defense that they would face from Texas and where there's no deal with Mexico — in Arizona and California. 

Border Patrol’s San Diego sector and Tucson, Arizona, sector are now seeing the most activity. For instance, on Wednesday, CBP sources told Fox News there were 5,240 Border Patrol apprehensions of illegal immigrants at the southern border. The sources said 3,854 of them – 73.5% – were in Arizona and California for that day.

Republicans should make an ad about this to show how enforcing the law works — when you choose to do it.