Saturday, February 3, 2024

Joe Biden Caring About MSNBC’s ‘Morning Joe’ Explains So Much Of His Nightmare Presidency

The national media created the sophomoric storyline that Biden’s presidency put ‘the adults back in charge,’ yet he apparently fixates on a cartoon.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris reportedly have an “obsession” with the most dimwitted show on cable news. Suddenly, it all makes sense. If that’s where the White House is getting its cues from, no wonder we’ve been so terminally screwed.

Axios on Friday said the president is so enamored of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” that it “affects how the White House runs — and who Biden listens to.” The report also said Biden “respects” the regular lineup of misfits on “Morning Joe” and he “loves when they applaud his actions.”

For readers familiar with the weekday show, which is probably about three of you, recall that “Morning Joe” is co-hosted by Joe Scarborough, who has long denied claims he killed a female intern working for him when he was a Florida representative in Congress, and his wife, Mika Brzezinski, whom he married after divorcing the mother of his children.

The pair are joined by a rotating cast of mind-numbing talking heads including Eugene Robinson of the Washington Post, Jonathan Lemire of Whoville Politico, and widely recognized fabulist Mike Barnicle. Oh, and Al Sharpton.

Each day, Scarborough, Brzezinski, and their gang of misfits take turns repeating the corniest Democrat talking points, forcing laughs at each other’s attempts at humor, and staring into the camera with the beadiest of dead eyes. Strangely enough, the show maintains of level of influence in Washington, though it hasn’t been worth watching since 2016, when it transitioned from a current affairs talk show to a loop of “I hate anyone who doesn’t hate Donald Trump.”

If you think that’s an overstatement, here’s a sample of the latest offerings from “Morning Joe,” as relayed by the cable news monitoring website Mediaite:

“Joe Scarborough Calls On White House to ‘Let Him Out More’ Following Report Biden Calls Trump a ‘Sick F*ck,'” Feb. 2.

“Long-Time Trump Associate Al Sharpton Insists Trump Is ‘Losing It’: ‘His Mind Is Not There Anymore,'” Feb. 1.

“Joe Scarborough Mocks GOP Border Flip-Flop: ‘Who Are These Cowards That Will Completely Comply With Everything Dear Leader Says?,'” Jan. 30. (“Dear Leader” is Scarborough’s deliciously clever reference to Trump.)

“‘My God Who is Tim Scott?!’ Morning Joe Crew Cannot Contain Absolute Disgust at SC Senator’s Fealty to Trump,” Jan. 24.

It’s funny how the national media created the sophomoric storyline that Biden’s presidency put “the adults back in charge,” yet he apparently fixates on such a cartoon.

Speaking of which, it wasn’t long ago that it was supposed to be a sign of utter ignorance and intellectual vacancy that a president would consider the opinions of cable news hosts. But now that it’s a president that corporate media like— those folx at MSNBC must be real smart!

That Biden hangs on to every useless utterance of “Morning Joe” is the surest indication yet that he hasn’t the faintest idea why he has a lower approval rating than AIDS and polls show him losing to Donald Trump in every single swing state. None of that is to say he’s a solid bet to lose reelection — this is America, after all — but if at any moment you wonder to yourself, “Is he retarded?” just find a random clip of his favorite TV show and you’ll realize he takes his cues from cable news’s most insular, emptyheaded show of all time.