Friday, February 2, 2024

Fox News' Jennifer Griffin Nails Biden and Austin on Telegraphing to the Iranians About Strike Locations

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

I'm not sure I've ever seen such an incompetent group in my lifetime as the Biden administration. 

We were given fair warning about Joe Biden from Obama's Secretary of Defense Robert Gates. In his 2014 memoir, Gates said the then-vice president had "been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades."  Now make that five decades, and add he's been wrong about virtually every major foreign policy issue so far that he's faced during his presidency. Gates doubled down on those claims during a 2021 interview on CBS' "60 Minutes," saying, "I think he’s gotten a lot wrong," specifically mentioning the Afghanistan withdrawal. 

Now we're faced with yet another situation due to Biden's bad foreign policy, this time with Iran and the militants they use to fight us. There have been more than 160 attacks on U.S. forces or assets, with three people killed now and dozens injured over those assaults, some with possible traumatic brain injuries. Yet, the Biden response has been largely impotent and has not cowed Iran or the militants. 

Not only hasn't Biden responded yet to the attack on the troops in Jordan by Kataib Hezbollah in which 3 American troops were killed and more than 30 were injured, but Biden's team has listed possible targets in such detail as to raise questions about telegraphing to the enemy. 

Biden's Stupid Plan: Tell Iran We're Coming, Then Provide the Target List

Since we wrote those stories, they've given out even more information, saying they were going to launch a series of attacks for days against targets — including Iranian personnel and facilities — inside Iraq and Syria.

As Fox News' chief national security correspondent at the Pentagon Jennifer Griffin noted, now the IRGC commanders in those areas have left and gone into hiding. 

 "The Pentagon usually does not telegraph so much if it wants the element of surprise," she said. Yes, if. So why are they telegraphing so much now? Do they want the IRGC to flee so it looks like they're hitting something consequential even though the IRGC leaders will be gone?

Griffin also reposted this: 

The expert in the area who made that tweet responded to Griffin that she was right. 

Thanks, Joe Biden, foreign policy genius!

Griffin told Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin that some of the IRGC commanders were now back in Tehran. She asked a blunt question, "Has there been too much telegraphing or is the point not to kill any Iranian commanders?"

In terms of answering the telegraphing question, he just said he wouldn't "speculate." Thanks, another non-answer from Austin. 

So one has to think they're telegraphing for a reason.