Friday, February 16, 2024

CBP and ICE Agents Describe DHS Sec. Mayorkas As 'Dumpster Fire,' Applaud His Impeachment

The Biden administration has spent the last three years blaming Donald Trump for the nightmare at the U.S. southern border when in reality, Joe Biden inherited one of the most secure borders in modern history. But while Joe Biden is busy blaming Donald Trump for his mess, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents, the people on the front lines every day dealing with the invasion at the southern border, are well aware that it is Joe Biden and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas who are at fault, and it appears that — Valentine's Day notwithstanding — there is no love lost for either among some rank and file agents, who stated anonymously, that they support Mayorkas' impeachment. 

On Tuesday, the House voted 214-213 to impeach Mayorkas, and several Border Patrol and ICE agents, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, did not hold back when talking about the southern border under Mayorkas' leadership. One ICE agent stated,

“We have laws in place that are not being enforced due to Mayorkas’ leadership. If agents and officers were authorized to enforce the laws enacted by Congress this influx would not have occurred, but instead he pushes for agents and officers to process and release individuals as quickly as possible. Individuals are released into the United States with minimal background checks and minimal follow up.”

He added, “This most likely won’t change anything BUT it is a symbolic win and one heck of a statement to make in an election year." Another agent stated,

 “Mayorkas was a total dumpster fire who never owned up to the crisis he created with his disastrous policies. But I don’t think the Senate is gonna remove him which sucks."

One Border Patrol agent said, “It’s definitely a step in the right direction. It’s just embarrassing that it took 9 million+ illegal aliens invading our country…before he was finally held accountable." Another Border Patrol agent was supportive of the move but skeptical saying, “A pleasant surprise for sure. But I don’t know if it’s gonna change anything." But the best response may have come from a Border Patrol agent who was short, sweet, and to the point, saying, Ff**k that puto." ("Puto" is the masculine version of a Spanish slur that means "prostitute.") 

As you might expect, it is not just Alejandro Mayorkas that Border Patrol and ICE hold accountable for the border crisis. One ICE agent wanted to know why "Border Czar" and Vice President Kamala Harris still had a job saying,

“Too little, too late honestly. Should have been done three years ago if they truly wanted to change […] the border situation. And why wasn’t Kamala [been] impeached as well since she was considered and appointed the ‘Border Czar’ by the President? It’s just a political stunt to show the republicans are tough on the border after they voted to pass the terrible border security bill.”

Still, another agent placed the blame where it belongs, at the feet of Joe Biden. He said,

“That’s fantastic. If we can get him out, that’s three of the four asshat clowns gone. We just need to get Sleepy Joe out and hopefully we can start securing the homeland again like our department title says we’re supposed to be doing,”

The numbers of illegal immigrants crossing the border don't lie. Under Alejandro Mayorkas, in fiscal year (FY) 2022, Border Patrol reported over 2.2 million encounters of illegals crossing the border. In FY 2023, that number was again over two million encounters. As late as May of 2023, when Title 42 was lifted, Mayorkas was insisting that "Our borders are not open." But suddenly, in an election year, when immigration is the top issue for voters, Mayorkas has discovered that there is a crisis at the southern border, and not only dodges responsibility for it but lays the blame on Congress and insists that only Congress can fix it. If this weren't enough, there is the fact that immigration has become one of the main reasons Americans do not want Joe Biden reelected.

Another one of the agents seemed to sum up the fact that Mayorkas is merely a symptom of the Biden administration's border policy agenda.

“Impeaching the Secretary will not disrupt the administration’s goal of allowing millions of illegal aliens into the country. As long as this administration remains in place, the chaos at the border will continue. Policy changes need to be implemented immediately."