Friday, February 2, 2024

Biden: 'Black History Is Just As Important As Normal People History'

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WASHINGTON, DC — President Biden expressed his support for African American history at a kick-off celebration for Black History Month by telling those gathered he believes black history is just as important as normal people history.

"In this Black History Month, I would like to wish a very happy anniversary to all black people. Black history is important. It's just as important as normal history, if not more important," Biden said. "Blacks are just as good as normals. I've always said that since my black son died in Vietnam. Not a joke. Well, anyway..."

Biden then entertained the crowd by telling them about when he single-handedly started the civil rights movement and how he remembers fondly all the poor kids he helped get out of poverty who went on to become just as bright as their normal counterparts.

"Black history is all of our history," Biden said. "Well, I guess it's not the history of the Mexicans because they get a month too. And the 7-Eleven employees, they also get a month. But it's the history of America, and it's just as important as the history of the normal people of our country."

As of publishing time, Biden was seen wandering around the event stage in an attempt to find the exit before yelling out to the crowd that he felt tired and needed to find a good soft place to take an afternoon nap.