Monday, February 19, 2024

Because People Keep Asking

I’m not sure exactly what the motive is behind this, nor do I fully understand how it ties into the FISA-702 renewal effort by the insufferable HPSCI Chairman Mike Turner, but everything negative being said about Michael Shellenberger is accurate.

Trust me, if there’s one person on this planet right now without the time to deal with this nonsense, it’s me. However, from what I can ascertain, Shellenberger is reciting old information dug up by independent researchers on the Spygate operation as it pertained to the CIA, FBI and larger IC.

Shellenberger is then claiming “sources” have confirmed the CIA ran intel operations against the Trump campaign in 2016 using foreign assets and foreign intelligence partners. This is old, old, very old, information being repackaged as if it was new information and sold to an audience for the price of $9.99 subscription. In my opinion, it’s a complete con.

I have no idea who this Shellenberger idiot is, nor do I really care. You cannot plagiarize me because I give all the CTH research and analytical writing away free – openly telling people to take it and make it their own, just don’t monetize it.

It appears Michael Shellenberger is a man of low moral character who is taking the independent research work of others, repackaging it and selling it as his own work product.

This activity is likely because Shellenberger, a leftist, didn’t believe it when the Spygate researchers were tearing apart the preferred narrative and delivering atomic truth bombs in 2017 and 2018.  Suddenly, as the weight of the truth comes forth, there is no denying what was previously proven.   Everything Shellenberger is claiming now is a rehash of old information, repackaged and sold to a duped audience for $9.99 each.

Everything he claims is new, isn’t.  It’s all previously cited, sourced and disseminated information.   It’s pretty low-class to try and dupe people just to make money, but hey… that’s what some people do.

I have two words for this type of operation, and it ain’t Merry Christmas.

Nuf Said.

Moving on…..

Love to all!