Tuesday, February 20, 2024

A Tale of Two Presidents

President-In-Name-Only Joe Biden finally decided to visit East Palestine, Ohio — the community that last year endured both a toxic train derailment and the government’s questionable decision to burn the spilled hazardous chemicals and poison the region’s air.  Given Biden’s obvious cognitive decline, it’s impossible to know whether PINO mistakenly thought he was heading out to provide aid and comfort to Palestinian terrorists in their war against Israel or whether he wanted to belatedly feign love for blue-collar Americans before demanding their votes in November.  Either way, Dementia Joe made the trip late in the day on a Friday so that coverage of his visit would disappear with the rest of the administration’s conveniently flushed news.

For their part, the good people of East Palestine were quick to declare with numerous signs that PINO Biden’s arrival was “Too Little, Too Late.”  As Wandering Joe stood anxiously behind him and fidgeted in his coat pockets, the village mayor thanked the White House’s nursing home patient for his “long-awaited visit” while “acknowledging this disaster should have never happened.”  Unlike Biden, who arrived a year late and brought only note card–scripted empty promises, President Trump visited this community in the midst of the tragedy and brought truckloads of bottled water for the victims.  He also cast a giant spotlight on the environmental disaster as it was unfolding and expressed concern for the villagers’ health.  Decrepit Joe — the guy whose administration invests heavily in “green energy” scams that fleece the American people — showed through a calendar year of radio silence that environmentalism is pointless unless it pays.  Maybe if the blue-collar workers of East Palestine had ponied up 10% from their cleanup collection fund for Quid-Pro-Quo Joe’s campaign or family coffers, the federal government would have felt that the catastrophe deserved more urgent attention.

Of all the jeering cardboard signs mocking PINO Joe for his un-timely visit, perhaps the most pointed were in the hands of two smiling schoolgirls.  One said loudly, “Resident — NOT — President,” while the other begged the Oval Office chief, infamous for creeping on little girls, “Don’t Sniff Me!”  It is common to find children carrying signs in political protests that are almost certainly designed by their parents.  However, in this instance, the mischievous grins on those girls’ faces revealed that they understood what a sad, cringe-worthy punch line Biden has become.  When nearly 90% of Americans believe that Child-Sniffer Joe is mentally unfit, kids get the joke.  Joe Biden’s “presidency” is too defective for anyone to take seriously.  

At the same time that Clueless Joe was being lampooned in Ohio, a joke of a judge in New York was handing down a jury-free judgment against Donald Trump to the tune of nearly four hundred million dollars.  His crime?  There was no crime.  The state’s attorney general (who campaigned on a pledge to target Trump) simply found a judge so intellectually tainted by political partisanship and so unburdened by any sense of ethical duty that the two could conspire to strip the Trump family of wealth and professional standing under the color of law.  Effectively, the Democrat duo committed legal fraud against Donald Trump by fabricating a laughably absurd claim that the president had engaged in some kind of mysterious civil fraud resulting in neither damages nor victims.  Before the “trial” began, the Judge-In-Name-Only (hmm...there’s a pattern here) declared as a matter of law — and without any jury to consider the colossal weight of factual evidence to the contrary — that Trump’s business had engaged in this one-of-its-kind imaginary fraud, so the only question left was how much to unjustly punish the once and future president.  

After weeks of a farcical show trial designed to give the black-robed tyrant a public stage to prance around on the Trump family’s good name, the JINO finally got around to announcing the decision that he had already reached before the spectacle began: an unprecedented fine and a three-year prohibition against doing business in the state.  Barring Donald Trump from doing business with banking institutions from New York City will hamstring his business operations everywhere, so the costly civil judgment makes it that much more difficult for the presumptive presidential nominee to defend himself against the unremitting lawfare coming from the Deep State.  As Biden’s Stalinesque Department of (in)Justice and the Democrats’ other legal assassins posing as state prosecutors and judges threaten President Trump’s freedom with criminal cases that they would never dare bring against a Bush, Biden, Obama, or Clinton, these civil cases are meant to drain his resources and divert his attention from the 2024 campaign.  The fact that so few voices have expressed outrage at this judicially sanctioned injustice is execrable proof that the Establishment’s system of control is not worth preserving.

We have a tale of two presidents that cements the federal government’s irredeemable reputation for corruption in the minds of most Americans.  In PINO Joe Biden’s case, both criminal investigators and corporate news talking heads have ignored his family’s documented history of quid pro quo bribery schemes with foreign regimes.  Even when government agents find top-secret materials carelessly stored in Joe’s garage — files that he was never entitled to possess privately as a senator or vice president — there is never any real threat of criminal punishment.  Joe gets the same kid-gloves treatment that Hillary Clinton received when FBI director Jim Comey laid out every element of her crimes for espionage and illegal retention of classified documents before giving her a pass.  The Deep State does not prosecute its friends.  

In President Trump’s case, the DOJ spent years manufacturing a Russia collusion hoax that the FBI and CIA knew to be a lie, and journalistic hacks intentionally defamed him as a bought-and-paid-for Russian stooge.  Barack Obama’s CIA used foreign governments to illegally spy on Trump’s campaign — a fact that Deep State stenographers such as Lesley Stahl continue to cover up.  Journalists Michael Shellenberger, Matt Taibbi, and Alex Gutentag have documented that CIA director John Brennan “cooked the intelligence” to hide another inconvenient fact: that Russia preferred a Clinton victory in the 2016 election and “didn’t fear a Hillary Clinton presidency.”  Donald Trump took no salary while serving the American people as president, and the Deep State honored his commitment by stabbing him in the back.

Have any of the FBI agents, intelligence officers, DOJ attorneys, or special counsel prosecutors faced any professional or criminal sanctions for having perpetrated a fraud against the American people that was meant to cripple, if not prematurely end, Donald Trump’s presidency?  Of course not.  Instead, the same people and institutions that engaged in a veritable coup d’état are seeking to incarcerate President Trump for the rest of his life for having retained documentary evidence of the Obama-Brennan-Comey-Clinton crimes against his campaign and presidency — files, it should be noted, that the president declassified under his constitutional authority.  In an expanded tale of three presidents, Obama and Biden can commit crimes against Donald Trump, but the Deep State insists that President Trump be imprisoned for noticing.

At the same time, the DOJ wants Trump behind bars for using his voice to condemn the 2020 election as tainted by fraud.  Interestingly, that allegation is now backed up by so much demonstrable evidence of electoral crimes and statistical evidence of probable crimes that one recent study concludes that but for mail-in ballot fraud, President Trump would have “almost certainly” won re-election.  As the persecution of J6 political hostages has shown, noticing Deep State fraud is a bigger crime than committing fraud.  

Any system so corrupt that it protects the guilty and punishes the innocent cannot be taken seriously.  But can it be saved?