Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Will our military fight for Joe Biden?

It’s late 2024, and Democrats/socialists/communists (D/s/cs) are getting desperate. Maybe it’s clear Trump is going to win beyond any imaginable margin of election fraud. Maybe they realize when 140% of registered voters cast ballots nationwide, Americans are going to make the French Revolution’s Reign of Terror look like a Girl Scout picnic. Maybe all those dead voters are ready to turn state’s evidence. Either way, they’re certain they’re going to jail—or worse--and not on trumped-up political charges. It’s time for martial law!

The question is, will our military fight for Joe Biden, or whichever D/s/c wants them to imprison, torture and kill Normal Americans? 

Higher Ranking Officers: D/s/cs, since the Age of Obama, have been doing their best to replace warfighters with social justice warriors. Few get that first star without enthusiastically toeing the DEI line. Many, but not all, of these beribboned REMFs will gladly go full totalitarian.

Mid-Ranking Officers (Majors and Lt. Colonels): Many of these are also DEI adherents, but probably fewer than those above them. Many joined thinking they’d be warriors and haven’t had time to be completely converted, or to decide to bail out with their sanity.

Lower Ranking Officers (Lieutenants and Captains): They’re even less likely to go over to the dark side, except those that joined as true believers.

Here’s where things get interesting:

Senior NCOs: These are the people who really run the military. They often bark “don’t call me ‘sir!”  I work for a living!” And they do. Nothing happens without them. Those in longest, nearing retirement, have either been converted, or are sticking out their 20, silently resisting the lunacy. The proportions will vary from base to base.

Lower-Ranking NCOs: They too make the military work. Shorter on time than their higher-ranking fellows, a lesser portion of these will be willing to oppress fellow Americans. They’re far more likely to gum up the works. “Gosh Captain, those tanks just won’t run, and the helos are shot. Somehow a lot of parts got misplaced, and we’re missing essential tools. We might be able to get a couple Hummers running by, say, Tuesday. What is running? The General’s staff car is pretty good, and so are the carts at the golf course. Sorry about that, Sir!”

Enlisted: This is going to be a big problem for Biden. Who voluntarily enlists in the military?  Largely people from the South and Midwest, particularly sons and daughters of families with military traditions. Even with recruiting crashing, most of those enlisting are patriots, willing to brave the DEI lunacy to serve. How many purple-haired, nose and nipple-pierced vegans are enlisting, and how many of those are going to be combat effective? Sure, some of the queer are enlisting for free trans surgery, but they’re all going to be non-deployable, and little more than stationary targets on the battlefield if they’re somehow forced into the field.

The National Guard: Forget it. They’re going to kill their families, neighbors, pastors and friends? The people they’ve grown up with and live with? What they are going to do is walk away with as many weapons, as much ammo and other gear as they can carry and haul in the trucks they’re going to take with them. A few higher-ranking, idiot true-believers might try to stop them, might even try to use deadly force.  Heh.

To be sure, there will be some social justice warriors that will turn traitor out of a misplaced sense of duty, or just because they want to be on what they think will be the winning side. But even now, most people in our military love America and Americans.  They’re the people buying the guns, living the American military ethic of duty, honor and country. They like Red Dawn and The Patriot. They’re not going to kill fellow Americans.  They know who America’s enemies are.

Who are the few that will? They’re the people who shrink from killing our actual enemies,  people who haven’t won a war in decades, people who can’t bring themselves to kill the demons that would gladly murder every American. They surely get excited, however, about strafing Des Moines, or nuking South Dakota. Suzie Soccer Mom and traditional Catholics are so much easier to beat than actual armies.

Most of our military—probably enough—will either just walk away, or will fight for liberty, taking as much materiel with them, and sabotaging the rest, as they can. Many will try to go neutral, but won’t be able to maintain that for long.