Friday, January 12, 2024

Whoopi's Latest Trump Conspiracy Theory Is Downright Psychotic

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

Is there a more difficult decision in the world than trying to decide who the most insane member of "The View" is? On any given day, it could be any of them, though Sunny Hostin is probably the cream of the crop if we are averaging things out. 

Then there's Whoopi Goldberg, who some might consider one of the saner voices at the table. Of course, that's like suggesting a punch to the face is preferable to a kick to the face. At some point, you are splitting hairs, as Goldberg showed during her latest tirade against Donald Trump. 

According to her, if the former president is re-elected in 2024, he will make "gay folks" and "journalists" disappear.

You know how Stalin and Hitler gathered up certain groups of people they deemed dangerous or unworthy, shipped them off to camps, and killed them? That's what Goldberg says Trump will do if Americans dare do anything but maintain the status quo in the White House. Did he do that the first time he was in office? Of course, he didn't, but logic need not apply when someone on the far left has a psychotic break. 

But hey, I'm here to analyze, so let's game this out. To start, how exactly would Trump even accomplish that? Does Goldberg think the military would play along with rounding up people to "disappear" them? That would suggest she has a rather low view of those who serve, wouldn't it? Certainly, local and state officials would never play along. Further, who would build these camps? Who would finance them? How would all of that happen without anyone knowing? 

Then there's the more obvious rebuttal, which is that Trump is largely friendly to the LGBT cause and would never move to put them in camps or murder them. If anything, he gets criticism from his right because of his promotion of people like Caitlyn Jenner. But he's going to start rounding up gay people if he's re-elected? I mean, come on. That's an absolutely insane claim that bears no resemblance to reality. 

Trump's most visceral desire is to be liked. Unlike Biden, he wants to be seen as a popular unifier. To the extent that he follows that pursuit, he's more likely to give up ground where he shouldn't than anything else. What he's certainly not going to do is become a dictator who persecutes gay people. 

Goldberg's comments are crazy, but they are just a preview of what's to come. As the election nears, you can expect the theories of what will happen if Trump wins to grow more and more absurd. The far left does not want to cede power, and they'll say anything to retain it.