Saturday, January 13, 2024

WATCH: Jill Biden Explain All the Things SHE Had to Do to Right the Country

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

If you thought that Joe Biden is a prolific pusher of malarkey, it seems that his wife, Jill, wants to challenge him for the crown. She would have to go a ways, but she's making a big effort with a comment that she made to the audience on the "Morning Joe" show. 

We already reported on her interview with Mika Brezinski which was just a horrible effort to sell Joe Biden for his re-election. 

But that isn't going over very well. It just makes it more apparent how desperate Biden's situation is in terms of the polls when she has to make such an effort. 

But in this comment, she spoke about how she had to "put everything aside" that she had planned to do because of the pandemic when they came in, and she listed everything that she claimed she had to do to right the country. (Wait, was she elected?) But also check this list, this is definitely full-on malarkey. 

"But then the pandemic was happening. And so I had to get to work and travel around the country, get shots in people's arms, get schools open, give people confidence that the vaccines were going to work. Um, we had to get people back to work. So, it was a ho-- I had to put everything aside that I had planned to do. And think of, if you can think back to three years ago, I mean, think what we were dealing with, think of the mental health issues, that still continue."

Maybe she thinks she is in charge, since she always has to lead Joe around. It's funny that she wants to make everything about herself. But is she kidding? SHE was getting shots in people's arms? She, "Dr. Jill," was doing it? Is she kidding with that? Then "get schools open," that's another piece of nonsense. The Democrats were aligned with the the teachers' unions in delaying as long as possible getting schools reopened. It's on their heads that kids were hurt, lost learning time, and maybe suffered a lot of mental health effects. 

Yes, let's recall how her husband threw people out of their jobs with his mandates, including members of the military who had served for years, and encouraged masks on little children that hurt their development. Does she want to take credit for that as well? Does she know how much that hurt people? 

We are so privileged we had Jill here to guide us to tell us what to do. That's the imaginary reality they want to try to sell us, a perverse revision of history in which they are our saviors. But it has no relation to the truth. But the Bidens seem to not care about that, as long as they can hold onto power.