Friday, January 5, 2024

This Video About McDonald's Might Just Be the Funniest Anti-Israel Freakout You'll See Today

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

We've seen a lot of anti-Israel freakouts at this point. I think it's safe to say these activists live in their own world, one that doesn't have a lot to do with reality. They think that everyone should bend the knee to them and accede to all their demands however unworkable or bad those demands might be. If they scream loud enough, they think they can succeed by bullying people.

We've seen things from the crazy or concerning to the dangerous. 

Anti-Israel Crew Chants Support for Yemen in NYC, Drops Smoke Bombs in Macy's

Balloons Flew Over JFK Airport During Anti-Israel Protest, Possible Threat to Aviation

But I have to say, this new video I just saw is pretty funny. Think anti-Israel Karen, and then you get where this video is going. You can watch the video on X here. It's truly hilarious. 

A woman goes into the McDonald's and orders a chicken sandwich because she said she was "starving." But she was upset that the restaurant had "conveniently changed their packaging." "What does that resemble?" she asks. 

She explains to the counter person behind the register that she noticed something and wants to make sure that he knows that she caught it. It's the blue and white wrapper that goes around her chicken sandwich.

"What is this new packaging?" she asked him. 

He told her it was a McChicken wrapper. 

She asked him why it was "blue and white." 

He was mystified as to where she was going with this, "I honestly, I don't know." 

"I think you do," she claimed. 

He told her they'd had that for a while, but she refused to believe him. "This is what it's for. This is the color of their flag. This is clearly what they are doing," she insisted."

How hilarious is this Karen? It must be a secret Israeli plot! It's obvious! Look at that blue and white! Now, leave aside that those are common colors. Leave aside that these are also the colors of the Greek flag. The conclusion, on the face of it, just because of the color is nuts. They obviously just want to torture her with their secret Israeli tricks. 

Of course, there's a small problem with all this, as the counter person had tried to explain to her. This packaging had been this way for a while, predating the October start of the Israeli-Hamas war, and had nothing to do with promoting Israel. 

However, the wrapper in the video is an example of a generic wrapper used for temporary shortages, special orders, and limited-edition products, McDonald’s told Reuters via email.

Generic wrappers come in a variety of colors including blue, green, purple, and yellow, and none are intended to make any political statement, the company said.

In the video, a staff member also says the wrapper was being used as they ran out of regular wrapping.

On top of that, it's more than a little funny that if she truly thought what she was saying was true. She appears to have eaten the sandwich anyway, despite her belief that they supported Israel. So much for principles. I guess "starving" trumps those. That's pretty hilarious.