Sunday, January 7, 2024

There's a Problem With Democrat Rep. Jason Crow's Claim About 'Capitol Police Officers' on Jan. 6

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

Joe Biden gave a speech on Friday, trying to raise the specter of Jan. 6 as a "threat to democracy."

He didn't seem concerned about the leftist, anti-Israel actions again spreading across the country that are chanting about revolution, with some involving violence. 

One of the most offensive things he did during the speech was to try to claim that police officers were killed as a result of the Jan. 6 riot. He also mentioned that he went to their funerals (which he didn't). That would be a neat trick since no police officers were killed during the riot. But when Biden repeats such a falsehood, it's in an attempt to deceive the public. 

But he wasn't the only one trying to spread that story. 

Rep. Jason Crow (D-C0) posted on X about his experiences on Jan. 6. 

He recalled how he was one of the members stuck in the gallery. 

Crow said that he told his fellow representatives "to take off their pins so [they] couldn't be identified," and "[his] Ranger training kicking in to protect those around [him]."

That prompted a lot of responses about his Ranger training, and some were pretty savage. 

But perhaps the worst part of what he said was his claim that "Capitol Police officers" put themselves "between us and the violent mob," that he was grateful and honored those "who gave the ultimate sacrifice." 

Now as a Ranger, he should know what "the ultimate sacrifice" means. Not a single police officer was killed during the riot, yet he indicates multiple officers were killed by the "mob."  Indeed, it was protester Ashli Babbitt who was killed by a police officer despite not being armed and not being violent toward any police officer. That's shameless, just like Joe Biden. But it helps the narrative being pushed, so what do the facts matter? 

As some pointed out, the Democrats didn't care about the police officers injured during the BLM/Antifa riots in D.C., many of them while defending the White House from rioters. 

But those officers aren't being recognized three years later, they're completely forgotten about. Just like the 2017 leftist riot against the Trump inaugural, where 200 people were arrested -- then almost all of the charges against them were dismissed. 

One might think, therefore, it was about political agenda rather than concern about riots.