Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Steve Cohen Just Posted the Most Ridiculous J6 Pic and the Internet Is Rolling in the Aisles

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

Let's stipulate that there was a riot that should not have happened and there were people who were violent on Jan. 6. 

But for comparison's sake, there have been hundreds of rioters on the left, like those who participated in the 2020 BLM/Antifa riots, who caused far more damage and even deaths.  

There were attacks on federal buildings, including assaults for more than 100 days on the Portland federal courthouse. Then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called the federal government "stormtroopers" for defending themselves from attack. She criticized law enforcement for daring to defend the federal building from leftist rioters. 

The leftist riots included the actions at the White House at the end of May 2020 where the Secret Service had to rush former President Donald Trump into a bunker for his own safety and St. John's Church was set on fire. The Democrats mocked Trump because the Secret Service made him seek safety. That's what they thought about a riot in front of the White House, and they didn't care about the dozens of police officers hurt in that riot. 

There was also the riot on Jan. 20, 2017, by leftists upset about Trump being inaugurated. Over 200 people were arrested as leftists rampaged around D.C. Yet virtually all of them had their cases dismissed. 

There were no remembrances recognizing these disruptive riots that attacked our Republic by the Democrats. Democrats didn't give a darn about them because they didn't serve their political agenda, they hurt their political agenda. Heck, Kamala Harris and 13 Biden staffers even contributed to a bail fund for those arrested during the riots in Minnesota in 2020. 

Yet, Democrats spent most of the day on Jan. 6 posting recollections and talking about threats to democracy, not mentioning that the only violent protests happening now are again coming from people on the left, this time from the anti-Israel movement. 

I reported a couple of bad takes already, one from Rep. Jason Crow (D-CO) claiming, falsely, that police officers gave the "ultimate sacrifice" on Jan. 6 and another from Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) where she misquoted one of Ben Franklin's most famous quotes, "A republic, if we can keep it." Shaheen posted it on her X account as "A democracy, if we can keep it. 

That's pretty bad. But apparently, Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN) wanted to try to compete for the crown for most ridiculous post. I think you can see why he might be in strong contention, even given how awful Shaheen's was. 

3 years ago today, I was there in the U.S. Capitol. We were minutes away from being violently attacked. I saw what happened, I felt what happened. And so did you. Donald Trump is a traitor to the United States of America. Don’t ever forget it.

What the heck is that? A plastic gas mask over his entire head, plus a COVID mask that isn't properly on his face or over his nose? I'm not sure he thought about what the result would be of posting such a picture. But the internet was not silent after he did. And of course there was no violent attack on any member of Congress. 

It's a tough call as to most ridiculous tweet, but it definitely wins most ridiculous picture.