Monday, January 1, 2024

Stepping Up the War of Words for 2024

Election year 2024 will be like no other in history.  The pro-freedom community on the right is now locked in a death struggle with the authoritarian fascists of the far left.  We are on the edge of a precipice that was unimaginable even a few years ago, and we cannot afford to make any mistakes.  This means that we must center all our actions on logical thinking instead of the “business as usual” approach that brought us into this crisis.

The best place to start the selection process is to evaluate each term we used based on an objective criterion.  How much does each annoy the authoritarian leftists or go against the grain of political correctness?  What is its impact on the political debate? 

The proper term can change the landscape of the battlefield of ideas and make the fascist far left explain themselves for once.

Each criterion will add or subtract one point to indicate which words should be used.  This will be a presentation of our recommendations for the best replacements, based on these scores, utilizing the basic labels we use for the far left.

1. Does the left use or apply a particular term to itself? Yes -1/No +1

Authoritarian leftists love to refer to themselves as Marxists, progressives, socialists, and liberals, so in this example, these terms would score a -1.

2. Is the word in question politically correct? Yes -1/No +1

Leftist words and phrases are “woke” or politically correct, to ram the collectivist ideology down our throats.  Our example of their self-labeling as Marxists, progressives, socialists, and liberals is “woke” or politically correct.  Thus, these terms would be rated here at -1.   

3. Is it a positive propaganda term, or is it likely they will adopt it as their own?  Yes -1/No +1

Again, our example words have their positive connotations — as is the case with most leftist BS — and therefore the rating for these words based here is -1.

The point in all of this is to objectively evaluate leftist propaganda to show why it should be rejected as well as point a way toward replacement terms that have a positive score — at least for those of us on the pro-freedom right. 

Always remember that leftists are masters at lying with language, so they’ve developed the nastiest of terms to label the pro-freedom right, while they cast themselves as positively as they can.

Now is the time to return the favor.  This will be a presentation of our recommendations for the best replacements based on these scores.

Leftists love the “woke” or P.C. terms Marxistsprogressivessocialists, and liberals, and that should be enough for everyone on the pro-freedom right to reject these labels for the left.  They also have positive connotations as a third strike.

The label progressive falsely implies that leftists favor progress — but does anyone seriously believe that, with what they are doing to destroy the country?  The same holds for liberal in that it falsely implies that those authoritarians favor liberty, since both have the same root word.  Leftists have always wanted to restrict rights, but somehow they still want to lie and falsely claim they are “liberal.”

Authoritarian leftists try to make the label for an ideology that has led to the deliberate mass murder of millions into a positive term by comparing collectivism with individualism.  They assert that individuals are individualist (individual+ist), while collectivists are for society and being social or socialist (social+ist).

Even Marxism has its issues — it wrongly praises good old Karl as the creator of collectivist ideals, even though they are over 2,000 years old, from the time of Plato.  Even the Marxists themselves have noted that the book Utopia, the first “genuinely socialist position,” published more than 500 years ago in 1516 by Sir Thomas More, has the following passages:

[A]ll things being there common, every man hath abundance of everything. ...

I hold well with Plato, and do nothing marvel that he would make no laws for them that refused those laws, whereby all men should have and enjoy equal portions of wealth and commodities.

That was published more than 330 years before Marx, and it sounds suspiciously like “From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs.”

Note that even in the quotation about all men having equal portions of wealth and commodities, it references the discussions from ancient Greece and Plato from 2,000 years ago.

So now that we’ve established the evaluation criteria, we are going to present the replacement terms that will score positively with the Pro-freedom right about the terms that need to be replaced.    

Authoritarian far-left/Fascist far-left/National Socialist left instead of Marxists, progressives, socialists, and liberals.

Leftists are the authoritarians and fascists of the political spectrum, given their obsession with restricting liberty and economic freedom.

Self-defense rights instead of gun rights

Remember that these terms are meant to change the debate on an issue.  In this case, the idea is to direct it away from arguing about inanimate objects — which is what the authoritarians would prefer — to a discussion on the commonsense civil right of self-defense.

Authoritarian left/Pro-freedom right instead of liberal/conservative and anti-gun/pro-gun

We’ve already made the case for using the “authoritarian left” formulation.  The same holds for the ridiculous anti-gun/pro-gun narrative.  

The fact is that leftists love guns — they just don’t want them in the hands of their political opposition. 

They also love to play a little word game where they say they are anti-gun violence, turning that term against us with the obvious implication we are pro-gun violence.

Grabbie or Grabbies instead of anti-gunner

These could be applied to other controlling types from the authoritarian left, but we set aside the term “anti-gunner” because it’s such a ridiculous term all on its own.

Illegal invader instead of migrant

This one should be self-explanatory.  “Migrant” obscures what is taking place and is one of the worst cases of lying with language.   

These are just a few of the words and phrases that need to be considered as replacements for the propaganda terms of the fascist far left. 

Remember that we are in a war of words with the authoritarian left, and these are stand-ins for weapons in that war.  This is why we must choose them wisely.