Friday, January 12, 2024

President Trump Says He Knows Who His Vice-Presidential Running Mate Is

Somewhat surprising the inquisition duo, President Trump announced last night he knows who his Vice-Presidential candidate is going to be.  WATCH:

President Trump also explains how he would staff his new administration. 

President Trump discusses how he will keep America out of foreign conflicts:

President Donald Trump shares how he would address the number of migrants who have entered the U.S. illegally.  “The largest deportation effort in American history”

President Trump discusses protecting life in America:

President Trump reacts to Biden saying political violence is ‘never acceptable’.

President Trump discusses cutting government spending on Fox News.  His response on the original COVID pandemic spending issue is 100% accurate.  Additionally, President Trump is the only candidate who can talk successfully and accurately about expanding the economy to generate more income.

All other candidates talk about budget cuts and a limited economic pie [scarcity mentality].  President Trump talks about growing the economy to increase the revenue side of the ledger [abundance mentality].  Trump is correct.

I come at this discussion as a person who continually tries to navigate the mechanics of the silo system in Washington DC.  Additionally, many of the positions at the top of the silos, what we would consider cabinet members, have various levels of influence from ‘moderate‘ to ‘none at all‘ depending on the construct of the individual agency (silo).

As an outcome, the nuts and bolts of what we want to see happen, let’s call that generally ‘elimination of political corruption’, are slightly disconnected from how it is possible to happen given the nature of how each institutional silo is constructed.

Some silos are more impervious than others. Some cabinet members are more functionary than others, and in some instances, the deputy is more important than the primary.

To get deep in the weeds, we need to understand each silo as a completely autonomous operation; holding various levels of attachment to the overall DC system depending on how the silo is structured and, in some cases, weaponized.

Then we need to evaluate an overall skillset from a very practical, non-pretending level.  There is one shot at this, and the construct of the Trump 2.0 administration must begin with the end in mind.  That end includes accepting that one four-year term will not be enough to remove the embeds that were seeded over the course of 12 prior years.  Some systems need to be taken down to nothing, others can be steered with extreme effort by those who can operate effectively inside the machine.

The reason for a Vice-Presidential selection like Dr Ben Carson has been previously outlined {SEE HERE].  Carson appears to have the faith, stability and integrity to be a stabilizing force amid the sea of chaos that is created when a war against evil enterprise begins.

The value of having a faith servant in the role of close counsellor to President Trump cannot be overstated.  If Carson is not the correct person to take the role, Carson would be the first to announce it…. which, ultimately, makes him more qualified.

Good is going to have to battle Evil, and at the same time the entire nation will need stability, optimism and a resurgence of faith.  In short, no one is winning this political war without putting God, righteousness and prayer at the forefront as the DC temple tables are turned.  When it gets ugly, and it will get extremely ugly, something just inherently tells me, Carson will rise.

Perhaps if I expand the list, a bigger understanding will be possible.

This time I shall endeavor to put context behind the names and add some specifics to the silo challenge.

♦ Secretary of State:  Ric Grenell. 

♦ UN Ambassador: Tulsi Gabbard

The Dept of State is the front agency for the Central Intelligence Agency.  When the CIA wants to seed an operative, they are given State Dept credentials.  Whoever is running the State Dept will have a working relationship with the CIA Director.  Grenell already knows how this works; he will be able to support the Trump Doctrine on day one with a full understanding of institutional context as the downsizing through attrition begins.

♦ CIA Director: Robert Kennedy Jr.

♦ Deputy CIA Director: Kash Patel

See how that works?  RFK Jr. can put up or shut up, but Kash Patel is the insurance policy in the event RFK Jr. is bearing false witness.  The core agenda is carried out by the Deputy, while the Director is the functionary receiving silo information to satiate the executive (Trump).  What happens in the layers below the functionary are what really matters.  Kash has eyes-on, without the distractions of the functionary role.

♦ Defense Secretary:  Vivek Ramaswamy.

♦ Asst. Defense Secretary:  Eric Prince.

Many people understandably freak out with a Def Sec with no experience in military.  However, the Def Sec is designed to be civilian led military; the President is the Commander in Chief.  The Def Sec executes military efforts to support the President.  This is the problem with having career military as Def Sec; they regard the institution as more important than the instructions they receive. [See Mark Milley and/or James Mattis and/or Alexander Vindman, they go rogue.]  The U.S. military needs to be managed now, brought to heel and Wokeism removed.  Ramaswamy, a functionary, can put up or shut up.

Again, see how that works?  Prince becomes the insurance policy.  The nuts-and-bolts guy to make sure the military silo is carefully reconstructed, and the flag officers that need to be removed and replaced are removed and replaced.

♦ National Security Advisor: John Ratcliffe

♦ National Security Council (NSC), Chair: Michael Flynn [Tasked with taking NSC from current size to 30-50]

♦ Dept of Homeland Security (DHS), Secretary: Tom Homan 

♦ Treasury Secretary: (Executive Privilege) 

♦ Fed Chairman: (Executive Privilege)

♦ United State Trade Representative: Ambassador Robert Lighthizer [restart where he left off] 

♦ Commerce Secretary:  Peter Navarro 

♦ Chairman of the National Economic Council (NEC), Chair: Lou Dobbs 

♦ Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Administrator: Sarah Palin

♦ Federal Communication Commission (FCC), Commissioner:  Mike Benz

♦ Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CPFB), Administrator: Pam Bondi

♦ Dept of Agriculture, Secretary: Kristi Noem

♦ FBI Director: Matt Gaetz / Josh Hawley

♦ Deputy FBI Director: Andrew Bailey

 FBI Legal Counsel: Rudy Giuliani

♦ DOJ Attorney General:  Ken Paxton

♦ DOJ Deputy AG: John Eastman

♦ Asst. Deputy AG in charge of DOJ National Security Division (DOJ-NSD): Sidney Powell

♦ DOJ Civil Rights Division: Mark Robinson 

♦ Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI):  Rand Paul

♦ National Security Agency, Director: Thomas Massie

♦ FEMA Director: Jeb Bush  [Yes, THAT Jeb Bush.  He’s insufferable at everything else, but he knows how to handle emergency management very effectively, and he’s bilingual.]  

♦ Office of Management and Budgets (OMB), Director: Kevin Hassett

♦ Interior Secretary: Marjorie Taylor Greene

♦ WH Press Secretary: Kerri Kupec

♦ WH Communications Director: Amanda Milius

♦ White House Chief of Staff: Dan Scavino (no question), or Kari Lake

♦ White House Presidential Personnel Office (PPO), Director: Steve Bannon

♦ WH PPO Deputy Director: Catherine Englebrecht

Something like that….

PS. First SCOTUS nominee:  U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen