Monday, January 8, 2024

Pentagon Releases Statement on Defense Secretary Still Hospitalized – Secretary of State Confirms He Had No Idea

Remember, there was a time when the eagle’s gaze on the official seal for the Office of the United States Presidentdid not point toward the olive branch. There was a long time in our nation’s history when the eagle’s gaze on the Presidential Seal pointed toward the arrows, and the State Dept. Seal pointed to the olive branch.

There were always two conflicting teams, by design.  There were always two different roles and responsibilities.  Those distinct purposes are now diluted by ideology, size of government and the silo process.

According to DC chatter, there is a strong possibility the “elective surgical procedure,” that resulted in complications ultimately requiring intensive care hospitalization for Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, involved gastric bypass surgery or laparoscopic gastric banding.  Regardless of what the procedure was, the Pentagon is updating that Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin remains in the hospital.  {Pentagon Link}

[Source Here]

This update follows the admission that Defense Secretary Austin was hospitalized in intensive care for four days beginning January 1st, and no one in the White House, National Security Council or State Department was aware.   Secretary of State Anthony Blinken confirmed his lack of knowledge yesterday.

President Trump had this to say:

See also:
