Sunday, January 28, 2024

Our First Gun

It’s a .38 Special revolver. Up until one month ago, I had scant idea what such a gun looked like or could do. My husband eventually made the decision to get a gun, which surprised me a little as he is a very peaceable man. Yet, he is a lover of the U.S. Constitution: peaceable, but no fool. This week is our 30thanniversary. For our anniversary present, we bought the gun together.

We have talked about buying a gun over the past few years. We live in the South in a semi-rural area bordering the Gulf of Mexico. Traditionally, gun ownership is considered mostly normal here. It is by and large a quiet, working-class, family area, and nobody thinks of gun ownership as a threat to anyone but to those with evil intent.

However, the current reasons that many, many more are buying guns are not the past’s ‘regular’ reasons; nor were our own reasons, this week, in any way ‘regular.’ It was a scary decision, but we are not interested in being shot, molested, raped, or carted off from our home. We would rather take a stand for ourselves, for our lives. Our reluctance to submit to the growing tyranny in the United States has reached, if not our doorstep yet, a place in the core of our hearts. This is happening everywhere, to all sorts.

Isn’t it interesting how much firepower the FBI commands, and how they regularly and with impunity break down the doors of the common people now? Isn’t it curious how Joe Biden makes such a big noise about guns, but lives, travels, and sleeps in fortresses of one sort or another -- stationary or mobile?

Biden is not interested in everyday people who need to buy guns for ‘personal protection’-- not because they are terrorists (he is okay with that -- look at the border), criminals (ditto), or whacked out on prescribed psychiatric drugs. Rather, we everyday folks are small to Biden, and he just doesn’t give a damn about us. I won’t cite chapter and verse of his arrogance in the face of serial human tragedies on his watch, as President, because we have all seen and heard enough of that. Joe Biden is not afraid because he has been successfully involved in criminal enterprises throughout his adult life in politics and has not been touched, not by a feather, in reprimand or justice.

The rest of us have been, and are, affected daily by human tragedy; we are in fact living it. We are surrounded by the depressing vestiges of safety, liberty, and abundance enjoyed only a few years ago. We are not walking outside alone as much, getting out as much, or having much public communion. Biden’s first term seems like forever, and it just gets worse day by day.

Almost every gun tragedy in the U.S. in recent memory has been the historical and current responsibility of liberal, Democratic policies. Almost every shooter has been accused of White supremacy by the lying media. Although that narrative has been debunked, time and time again, it is not loudly, ever, corrected in the media. The majority of deaths by gun occur in Black, subsidized neighborhoods, and most of those killings are Black on Black. The sequential fiascoes in Missouri, Virginia, Illinois, D.C., and New York (to name a few state venues) -- of laying shooting blame -- whether ‘mass’ or individual--on gun rights and/or White supremacy, is an utter, factually proven sham. Communities across the country have been terminally wrecked by the long-term federal ‘presence’ (read: ‘takeover’) subsequent to these shooting events. It is sometimes difficult to distinguish the real gun event from the choreographed.

Joe Biden and his leftist army have got nothing on guns, so they blame everything on race, or on U.S. citizens who have no interest in destroying their own country -- Biden’s doing that job himself.

Guns have nothing to do with ‘race.’  Even ‘race,’ now, has nothing to do with race. We are a united, free people, and the Left hates that. They want it all for themselves; haven’t we noticed the common themes of greed, of control?

Americans -- Black, White, brown, whatever -- have taken note of the hellhole that the Left, led by Obama and Biden, has brought down on us. Patriotic American people are in this together and we’re drawing our own conclusions. Old and young, men and women. And, yes, we are buying more guns.