Monday, January 8, 2024

Obama Has Deep Concerns About Biden’s Ability to Protect the Deep State System He Built

I think deep down all intellectually honest political researchers knew The Lightbringer could not possibly permit: (a) Joe Biden to try winning an election on his own without fraud; and (b) the scale of risk that Donald Trump represents.  There is far too much personal risk to the Obama embeds who have weaponized the systems of government.

The media are now reporting that Chicago Jesus has stepped back into the arena.

There was a report in the Washington Post outlining the Obama concerns, and NBC has confirmed some of the details. [Short Video then article]:

After reviewing the WaPo article, I’ll show you what I think is triggering the Lightbringer.

WASHINGTON DC – Former president Barack Obama has raised questions about the structure of President Biden’s reelection campaign, discussing the matter directly with Biden and telling the president’s aides and allies the campaign needs to be empowered to make decisions without clearing them with the White House, according to three people familiar with the conversations.

Obama grew “animated” in discussing the 2024 election and former president Donald Trump’s potential return to power, one of the people said, and has suggested to Biden’s advisers that the campaign needs more top-level decision-makers at its headquarters in Wilmington, Del. — or it must empower the people already in place. Obama has not recommended specific individuals, but he has mentioned David Plouffe, who managed Obama’s 2008 race, as the type of senior strategist needed at the Biden campaign.

Obama’s conversation with Biden on the subject took place during a private lunch at the White House in recent months, one of the people said, a meeting that has not been previously reported. Biden, who has long used Obama as a sounding board, invited his former boss to lunch, and the two discussed a range of topics including the 2024 election. (read more)

The rest of the article is blah, blah, blah… talking about David Plouffe possibly joining Team Biden to lead the reelection.   Yes, that David Plouffe.

If you have not been following CTH research and election road mapping, you might not have the accurate context for the next part.  So, a brief summary:

In 2020 in order to avoid Bernie Sanders, The Lightbringer and South Carolina’s James Clyburn agreed to merge BLM with AME. [Biden was oblivious] BLM would use George Floyd to activate action – the AME church network would use their implanted precinct captains. Chicago Jesus/Clyburn then agreed to Kamala. Shortly before Super Tuesday they told pudding brain, who had no options.  Then Obama got on the phone, organized the exit strategy for the other candidates, and made the promises of the precursory indulgences they would receive.   The bringer of all progressive enlightenment told Elizabeth Warren to stay in a little longer to ensure the Sanders (progressive) group was divided, and Super Tuesday went as planned.  That’s how 2020 rolled.  The AME team then fabricated the ballots as needed in the general.

So, what’s happened recently that has Obama triggered?

Ask James Clyburn….. WATCH:

Obama and Clyburn are worried about Trump’s appeal to black voters.  Specifically, if the BLM/AME network will activate as strongly in 2024 – given the potential for scrutiny as the AME precinct group in Philly, Fulton, Racine, Clark, Wayne and Pittsburgh counties might be nervous about doing the ballot scheme again.

That’s it.

That’s the fear.

[ps. My guess is the BLM ’24 trigger event will be activated by the FBI on/around April 19th.]