Tuesday, January 9, 2024

James Clyburn Introduces Joe Biden to 2024 AME Precinct Captains and Ballot Receivers

Once you see the strings on the marionettes, you can never return to that moment in the performance when you did not see them.   The cold, stark reality of the thing just sits there, staring you in the face, regardless of the discomfort it creates in the process.

Yesterday as expected, Joe Biden traveled to the Mother Emanuel AME Church in South Carolina where he was introduced to the Election 2024 AME precinct captains, ballot stuffers, electioneering tabulators and vote counters.  Gotta do that thing again, prompted:

Knowing they may have to go it alone, Team Biden kicked-off the MAGA extremist “threat to democracy” narrative in Philly last week. Then, immediately they head to the second part of the prior 2020 playbook – the AME Church network.

The AME Network is the race-based element they need for actual ballot manipulation in Pennsylvania (Philadelphia County), Georgia (Fulton County), Nevada (Clark County), and Michigan (Wayne County).  It is the AME Church who organizes the racially motivated ballot creators, counters and precincts etc.

If you know the playbook, if you have watched the prior performances, you can clearly see the 2024 moves they make.

If you have not been following CTH research and election road mapping, you might not have the accurate context. So, a brief summary:

In 2020 in order to avoid Bernie Sanders, The Lightbringer and South Carolina’s James Clyburn agreed to merge BLM with AME. [Biden was oblivious] BLM would use George Floyd to activate action – the AME church network would use their implanted precinct captains. Chicago Jesus/Clyburn then agreed to Kamala. Shortly before Super Tuesday they told pudding brain, who had no options.  Then Obama got on the phone, organized the exit strategy for the other candidates, and made the promises of the precursory indulgences they would receive.   The bringer of all progressive enlightenment told Elizabeth Warren to stay in a little longer to ensure the Sanders (progressive) group was divided, and Super Tuesday went as planned.  That’s how 2020 rolled.  The AME team then fabricated the ballots as needed in the general.

Here’s the refresher as a repost from the earlier 2020 tripwires:

Once you understand what took place in the 2020 Democrat primary that saw all candidates fall in line behind Biden, according to the process that Obama initiated, then everything centered around the DNC moves makes buckets of sense.

Despite how the media is presenting this, it is not Biden’s plan. This is Obama’s 2024 insider club roadmap, and it specifically includes the alignment of interests that he created in 2020 to remove the threat that Bernie Sanders represented.  More on that in a moment.  First, the DNC plan:

(Via Politico) – […] The DNC is on track to reshape its primary calendar after dissatisfaction with the traditional first state, Iowa, boiled over in 2020. Members of the party’s Rules and Bylaws Committee, charged with recommending a new calendar, gave a near-unanimous vote of approval on Friday for Biden’s proposal, with only minor tweaks to the dates and two ‘no’ votes from Iowa and New Hampshire members.

The revised proposal would see South Carolina host the first 2024 presidential primary on Feb. 3, a Saturday, followed three days later by New Hampshire and Nevada. Georgia would then hold an early primary on Feb. 13, and Michigan would hold its contest on Feb. 27. Iowa would be out of the early lineup altogether.  (read more)

These changes are all about keeping the corporate wing of the DNC in control and eliminating the influence of the momentum progressive candidates.  Just like the RNC wants MAGA destroyed, the DNC corporation wants control over the Bernie Sanders wing and Democrat socialists.

Keep in mind, we wrote about this over two three years ago, when Obama stepped into the 2020 primary to create the AME/BLM alignment.

Right before the 2020 SC Primary, the DNC Club knew they had a problem with the Bernie Sanders momentum.  An urgent assembly of all party control officers was called. The DNC Club designed a plan around using James Clyburn as the official spark for Joe Biden to take back control of the primary outcome.  Barack Obama was instrumental.

♦ BACKGROUND – There is a history – a backstory – that only a small group of people genuinely understand.  The answers around this 2024 DNC change boil down to the less discussed issue of ideological camps and the modern alignment that has taken place over the past decade.  The most visible reference for the inflection point was the 2008 primary contest between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

Throughout the first decade of this millennium, there was an ideological shift, an inflection point, that became most clear in the rise of a little-known state representative who was appointed to become a Senator from Illinois; his name was Barack Obama.  In the background of Obama’s rise were the people who designed the modern political left. Those Obama creationists were/are hardline revolutionary communist types.

This RevCom group was comprised of the more radical elements of the progressive movement, those who wanted to “fundamentally change” the United States, and who have a very patient and methodical plan to do so.  Those elements took control by convincing the far-left labor movement to abandon the traditional Democrat apparatus and support a more radical approach.  The SEIU, AFSCME, AFL-CIO, UAW, UFCW and others were leveraged to this position through promised financial benefit if they went along.

Those groups became the more powerful ammunition needed by the radical community activist teams, which were entirely on the side of Obama.  Hillary Clinton’s first run for the presidency was crushed under the weight of the leverage all of the radicals aligned on the Obama side.  Clinton was only left with the option to support the extremists in exchange for support in 2016.

However, the support she received was not full-throated.  The ideological hatred that was created during the earlier inflection point, when the camps were at war, left scars.  Those scars never healed; and, quite frankly the radicals were not going to support someone they just didn’t like.

Radical foot soldiers operate best on feelings and emotions. Clinton just didn’t do it for them.  One by one, the traditional Democrat left was wiped out by the more extreme radical leftists.  [Remember the destruction of the Bart Stupak “blue dogs”?]

Fast forward to today, very recently, and what we are seeing is the outcome of the Obama coalition in complete control over the internal club systems and political party apparatus.  It took some time for this takeover to matriculate.

We are there now…. and into this far-left soup of radical elements the new left-wing media is mixed.  The media are now activists for the radicals.  This is why there is a more brutally obvious bias present today that was not present before.  The bias was always present, but the scale of the ideological nature of the bias was not always as visible.  Today the ideological support is crystal clear.

Right before the 2020 SC Primary, the DNC Club knew they had a problem with the Bernie Sanders momentum.  An urgent assembly of all party control officers was called. The DNC Club designed a plan around using James Clyburn as the official spark for Joe Biden to take back control of the primary outcome.

Barack Obama, the figurative and ideological leader of the movement known as “Black Lives Matter”, and South Carolina Congressman James Clyburn, the figurative and ideological leader of the political construct within the African Methodist Episcopal (AME) church, struck a deal.

Obama and Clyburn really had no choice but to come to an agreement and form the alliance.  If they did not act fast, Bernie Sanders was gaining momentum, and they could not have Sanders at the top of the 2020 ticket, because he was too outside the club system which was now almost exclusively focused on racial identity as a tool for political power.

A Bernie Sanders -vs- Donald Trump general election would have been a disaster for both clubs.

To get rid of Sanders, BLM (based in Georgia) and AME (based in South Carolina) aligned.  This was the actual moment when Hillary Clinton was cast into the pit of irrelevance in Democrat politics.

Within the agreement, Obama and Clyburn selected Biden as the tool they could easily control to deliver on their larger, progressive, leftist intentions.  The only one told not to drop out yet was Elizabeth Warren, as she would be needed as the insurance policy, the splitter against Bernie Sanders.

Within 48 hours, all members of the club and candidates had their instructions and proceeded to follow through on the plan.  They had no choice.  If they did not comply, they would suffer the consequences of a fully aligned club hierarchy who would target them personally and financially.

The plan worked flawlessly.  A few days after their meeting, James Clyburn endorsed Biden while Barack Obama began making phone calls telling each of the other candidates to drop out in sequence and support Biden or else the club would destroy them.

As part of the coordinated deal, Representative James Clyburn was put in charge of the Biden campaign; Clyburn stunningly admitted this immediately after the strategy went public.  James Clyburn and Barack Obama also controlled the vice-presidential nominee.

Joe Biden has dementia. Everyone knows this to be true.  The Biden presidency is a front – a ruse, a manipulative scheme that needed a face in 2020. That’s Joe Biden.

In the background, the DNC Club has been in full control of everything behind the scenes.  All policy is Club policy; and, specifically because of their importance in triggering the origin of the entire enterprise, the primary policy beneficiaries were the corporate donors, the AME church network and the BLM activists.

The new DNC primary contest map essentially codifies the control process and blocks any rogue non-club approved candidate from entering a challenge.   Only the corporate and club approved candidates will benefit from the changes.

(Politico) – […]  DNC Chair Jaime Harrison, who attended the meeting, also called the proposed early window a reflection “of the diversity of our party” and “a more equitable and accessible nomination process that puts our candidates in the best position to win.” Harrison is the former chair of the South Carolina Democratic Party.

But David McDonald, another longtime DNC member, did raise light concerns that the committee’s introduction of large states, including Michigan and Georgia, could “effectively [create] a bias toward certain kinds of candidates,” particularly those who enter a presidential primaries with significant financial resources, which would allow them to compete more effectively in expensive media markets. (link)