Wednesday, January 3, 2024

It's Not a Conspiracy Theory; You're Being Brainwashed

The thing about brainwashing someone is that you don't necessarily need to put them into an isolating environment and prey on their ignorance like university professors do their students. All you really need to do is to get a pattern of exposure in front of the subject. 

Everyone has been subjected to and been infected with a little bit of brainwashing in some way or form. It happens very subtly sometimes, and in ways you may not notice at first. The more wise and world-weary catch on fast while the ignorant are usually caught hook, line, and sinker without even knowing they've been pulled into the boat. 

This is usually because they don't recognize the brainwashing pattern when they see it. It's why so many of the youth seem to be caught up in various leftist narratives. 

The BBC is steadily brainwashing people, or at least attempting to. As The Telegraph reported, a group that monitors the BBC output called the Campaign for Common Sense has revealed that the BBC is steadily feeding viewers a steady diet of hard-left dogma through its news and entertainment programs, and is doing so against its own established criteria for non-bias: 

But a review of BBC output by the Campaign for Common Sense suggests the corporation is failing to uphold those standards when it comes to its drama and news output.

The research exposed a preoccupation by BBC News about Britain’s links to the transatlantic slave trade, with articles about the subject appearing online at a rate of more than one a week in 2023.

As of September, the BBC News website had featured 55 separate stories about slavery – ranging from “How a flood led family to discover slavery link” to “Jamaicans call for Gladstone slavery reparations”.

In January, long-running soap opera Waterloo Road featured a plot involving students in open revolt over their school’s links to the transatlantic slave trade.

“This research reveals that, rather than upholding those high standards of impartiality, parts of the BBC continue to peddle a steady diet of woke bias both through the plotlines of popular dramas but also in some of its news coverage," a spokesman for the Campaign for Common Sense told the Telegraph.

“The Impartiality Plan, unveiled in the wake of a BBC scandal over trust, was supposed to mark a turning point for the corporation. Instead, this research reveals the same old woke worldview is still very much in operation. Two years ago, the BBC set itself very high standards to help restore viewers’ trust. It has singularly failed to meet those standards,” he added.

In the recent past, the BBC has promoted everything from the transgender agenda, homosexuality, critical race theory, and structural racism, often using popular shows to do it.

It's pretty clear that the people running the BBC have every intention of pushing the concepts on people to the point where they become recognizable topics. Even people who disagree with the concepts will be infused with the verbiage and talking points to the point where they will discuss the given subject on the left's terms. 

This is an old trick. Once you normalize the language you want people to use about any given subject, you can have more control over the conversation. 

This relates to a previous study I reported on last September that showed most of the political opinions and information people receive come from non-political sources. Entertainment outlets are known for pushing political views but oftentimes it's pushed by celebrity gossip pages and shopping sites unintentionally. As the language is defined by corporate media, it's picked up by other outlets and used without too much thought about the purpose behind the language or what these words and concepts truly mean. 

The way it happens is subtle and the person absorbing the information doesn't know it's happening as I describe it in the article: 

Let's say you're a woman in her early 20s. You log onto the web in order to check out the latest fashion article or celebrity interview. According to this, the article will likely venture into current event territory where the author's bias will leak through whether intentionally or not. Mainstream narratives are reinforced and without knowing it, this young woman has developed a political position. 

Certain words such as "transphobic" or "climate change denial" find their way into articles all the time. "Women's rights" are often used in tandem with news about abortion from mainstream sources. This language, as well as all the politically correct language used by mainstream sources, gets soaked into the mind of the woman. This becomes a perspective on a given issue and a belief in a narrative is formed. 

The young woman who would never think to visit a site like Mother Jones or Vox nevertheless has the beliefs that these sites express. If asked about it, they might sound no different from an MSNBC talking head without even knowing it.

Brainwashing people on a mass scale isn't a conspiracy theory. It's happening in both direct and indirect ways. While it's highly unlikely that corporate media will stop anytime soon, people can guard against it by knowing and recognizing the patterns when they see them.