Tuesday, January 2, 2024

It Was Never About Democracy

Jeff Charles reporting for RedState 

Democracy. It’s become Democrats’ favorite word ever since the 2020 election. Now, one can hardly listen to a leftist politician give a speech without them waxing eloquent about safeguarding our “democracy.” Elite media outlets prattle on about how electing someone like former President Donald Trump would be a threat to our “democracy.”

But, over the past year, and especially recently, it has become clear exactly how these people actually feel about the concept of a democratic system of government.

Politico published an article on Monday highlighting the “peril” that democracy is in worldwide. “Is 2024 the year when democracy hits a tipping point and slides toward autocracy?” the author asks.

Later in the piece, the author also claimed Trump “is threatening to weaponize democratic institutions against his political rivals.”

The Associated Press also chimed in on Sunday with a piece suggesting that American democracy had been “tested” in 2020. The author argued that Trump calling for pardons for those who participated in J6 is a sign that he is a threat to democracy.

He has called for pardoning those prosecuted for the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol, continues to insist falsely that the 2020 election was 'stolen' and says he will use the federal government to seek revenge on his political enemies.

Not to be outdone, The Guardian also published a piece suggesting that Trump and other Republican candidates were somehow a threat to democracy. The author noted that Biden would likely be standing between Trump and American democracy during the election.

After all, his most likely opponent refused to accept the result of the 2020 election, incited the deadly attack on Congress of 6 January 2021, has been linked to plans to slash the federal government in a second term, and has even said he wants to be a 'dictator' on day one.

The author also slammed Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis for signing “restrictions on voting rights in Florida” and went after former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley for playing up “the risk of voter fraud more broadly.”

Yet, in none of these articles could I find any suggestion that the ongoing effort to leverage the 14th Amendment to keep Trump off the ballot is a threat to democracy. At no point did any of these alleged journalists call out folks on the left who are trying to influence the outcome of the 2024 presidential election by using a ridiculous interpretation of Section 3 of the 14th Amendment to argue that the former president should be disqualified from holding office.

These individuals have filed multiple lawsuits in various states to keep Trump’s name off the ballots so that his supporters cannot vote for him. In Colorado and Maine, they have had some success. Instead of letting the people decide who they want to occupy the White House, they seek to dictate who they can and cannot vote for.

This alone shows us how these people truly feel about the concept of “democracy.” To them, it is nothing more than a buzzword intended to elicit emotional reactions from the public. Remember, progressives are experts at using language and words in a way that helps them advance their agenda. Their claims about democracy are nothing more than their typical habits. Their actions always prove how they truly feel about the issues they claim to care about the most. The democracy angle is just the latest example proving this.