Tuesday, January 9, 2024

If Trump Didn’t Exist, Democrats Would Have to Invent Him

He’s the devil and Hitler rolled into a bad hairdo and golf shirt. At least, that’s what Democrats insist Donald Trump is. Well, it’s what they insist to the public that’s what Donald Trump is, whether they actually believe it themselves remains to be seen, but I highly doubt it. With the exception of a few particularly stupid Members of Congress, Democrats realize they’re engaging in political lies rather than anything legitimate. They have to, their record is so horrible they have to make the other side seem worse. If Donald Trump didn’t exist, they’d have to invent him.

If your opponent is Hitler, it doesn’t really matter much what you are, you’re better than Hitler. 

That’s the calculation Democrats have made for 2024 – whoever the Republicans nominate, they’re Hitler or worse. Never mind the fact that Adolf Hitler and the Nazis were progressive leftists – did they think the National Socialist German Workers’ Party tossed in “Socialist” as a laugh? – reality has little space in the modern Democratic Party. 

The “progressive experiment” cities and states across the country have been engaged in is failing. How many violent criminals have been arrested in the morning, released in the afternoon, then rearrested in the evening because they’ve eliminated cash bail for violent goons? How many Americans are dead because of soft-on-crime policies and an open border? Where is unchecked left-wing power working? 

Is there a place in the country where Democrats have had generational power and junkies aren’t defecating in the streets? Is there a decades-long Democrat controlled city where anyone feels safe driving with their car doors unlocked

I’ll save you the trouble of looking, the answer is no.

With that as your record, what choice do Democrats have? Politicians aren’t exactly known for their honesty, so what’s a lie like that to people who breathe dishonesty? 

Trump doesn’t help. Successful politicians don’t give ammunition to their opponents, yet The Donald’s nearly every move is to do or say something seemingly purposely running right up to the lie, either because he thinks it helps him or he doesn’t realize it does not. 

Whatever the reason, the best thing Donald Trump has going for him is the absolute frenzy Democrats whip themselves into over his every move and his very existence. The girls screaming at television sets as The Beatles played on them in 1964 were more rational-thinking than your average MSNBC host.

If Trump didn’t exist, they’d have to create him. They need him to fundraise, they need him to motivate, they need him to scare.

If Republicans nominate Ron DeSantis, he’s Hitler. If Republicans nominate Nikki Haley, she’s Hitler. Hell, if Republicans nominated Joe Biden, just as a reflex, he’d be painted as Hitler too. 

“Stop Hitler” is a much easier bumper sticker or lawn sign to move than one reading, “Mutilate the genitals of children” or “a $5 loaf of bread is perfectly fine.” The fewer details a Democrat has to give on anything, the better off they are. And the less people know what Democrats actively advocate for, the higher their chance of winning is. That’s part of why they love Trump too – he doesn’t take them on with specifics at his rallies, he mostly just claims he’ll do better and goes off on tangents about his various legal cases. Maybe boring them at events will keep illegals from wanting to come to the country?

Whatever the case, Democrats need to make their opponents Hitler, and have been heading in that direction for some time. What’s really worrisome is what comes next?

Where do they go after they’ve painted all their opponents as Hitler? If you really think about an answer, you come up with nothing good.

Actually, you can come up with only one good answer – they go away. People who paint their opponents as Hitler who don’t take the next step and turn to violence (because if you really believe your opponent is Hitler, what is not justified to do to prevent them from getting anywhere near power?) dissolve. That would be the best-case scenario, and really the only good outcome.

I don’t think Democrats are going to go away anytime soon, unfortunately. So, what we’re left with is the idea that some of them, the masses unthinking enough to buy into the Hitler analogies spewed by the manipulative leadership, will turn even more violent. That, too, will be blamed on Republicans, because why not? 

If Donald Trump didn’t exist, Democrats would have to invent him. And if Donald Trump ever leaves the political stage, the next Republican will be painted at Donald Trump too. It’s all Democrats have.