Saturday, January 13, 2024

House Republicans Confirm They Will Still Pursue Contempt Charges After Hunter Biden Agrees to Testify

Ward Clark reporting for RedState 

The chairs of the House Judiciary and Oversight Committees stated on Friday that they will continue to pursue contempt of Congress charges against first son Hunter Biden. This affirmation comes after Hunter Biden agreed to testify in response to the subpoena that he previously defied, leading to those contempt charges. Reps. Jim Jordan (R-OH) and James Comer (R-KY), who chair the House Judiciary and Oversight committees, wrote in a statement, that:

While we are heartened that Hunter Biden now says he will comply with a subpoena, make no mistake: Hunter Biden has already defied two valid, lawful subpoenas.

They also confirmed "the House will move forward with contempt charges against the first son until he 'confirms a date to appear for a private deposition in accordance with his legal obligation.'

Hunter Biden and his legal team's response to House Oversight and Judiciary has ranged from uncooperative to defiant, until Friday, when this more conciliatory tone was struck.

The offer from Hunter Biden to sit for a deposition in the investigation is a stark shift in strategy from his camp, which has argued for weeks that the president’s son would only appear for a public hearing. Hunter Biden even skipped out on a deposition last month, which has prompted Republicans to move forward with contempt of Congress charges. 

Multiple sources have told The Messenger that Republicans are confident they have enough votes for the contempt charges to pass the House, and the plan is for the party to hold the vote next week.

Since his father was in the Senate, certainly since Joe Biden was Vice President, there has been a disturbing drip, drip, drip of corruption allegations around the Bidens in general and Hunter Biden in particular, involving shady dealings with foreign governments including Ukraine and China. President Biden is currently the subject of an impeachment inquiry, and in addition to the Congressional inquiries, Hunter Biden is also facing tax evasion charges in California.

While the House GOP is pursuing the allegations of corruption surrounding the Biden family, of which this is the latest installment, House Democrats have been strangely quiet about the whole thing. If there were any principled politicians in the Democratic party, they would be demanding, at the very least, that the Biden Administration answer some very pointed questions, and would likewise demand the President and his son answer the specific allegations. Instead, Democrat operatives spend a fair amount of time denying anything's wrong.

“They continue to provide opportunities to reinforce that they’re not serious about an investigation,” one source close to the president’s son said. 

The source said it’s clear Republicans aren’t interested in the impeachment investigation into President Biden but, rather, dragging his son through the mud in an effort to sully the president's reelection chances.

Democrats are apparently more interested in running cover than uncovering what has actually happened; they are more concerned with politics than principles. Why? Because there are no principled politicians in the Democratic Party.