Thursday, January 4, 2024

House Moves to Impeach Alejandro Mayorkas for Border Crisis Misdeeds

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is about to face articles of impeachment. According to a new report, members of the House Homeland Security Committee, which ostensibly has oversight over Mayorkas, concluded their investigation in December and found grounds to move forward. Hearings will now start in mid-January with an official vote to occur after that. 

The House Homeland Security Committee is formally moving ahead with impeachment proceedings against DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. The first hearing will take place on Jan. 10, with a possible second hearing to be held the following week.

Homeland Security Committee Chair Mark Green (R-Tenn.) said the conclusion of the panel’s investigation in December has provided House Republicans with enough evidence to impeach Mayorkas. Green accused Mayorkas of misusing taxpayer dollars and purposefully ignoring border security measures

“Our investigation made clear that this crisis finds its foundation in Secretary Mayorkas’ decision-making and refusal to enforce the laws passed by Congress, and that his failure to fulfill his oath of office demands accountability,” Green told us in a statement. “The bipartisan House vote in November to refer articles of impeachment to my Committee only served to highlight the importance of our taking up the impeachment process – which is what we will begin doing next Wednesday.”

The crisis at the Southern Border has reached unimaginable levels, with nearly a million people entering illegally since October. Customs and Border Patrol have long since been overwhelmed, relegated to stamping documents and releasing the masses into the interior with no real plan to adjudicate the deluge of asylum claims. 

Mayorkas has steadfastly refused to enforce the laws passed by Congress during that time, encouraging the record wave of illegal immigration now facing the United States. Things are so bad that even left-wing cities like Chicago are crying foul, insisting they don't have the resources to absorb those who are arriving. If that's not impeachable, then what is? 

Still, the mainstream press is moving quickly to make the issue seem more complicated than it is. 

There will be significant debate over whether Mayorkas, in carrying out the policies of the Biden administration, somehow committed “high crimes and misdemeanors.”

I would assume everyone reading this article is old enough to remember when all that was needed for impeachment were "abuse of power" and dereliction of duty. A myriad of high-browed mainstream press pieces went forth back in 2019 and 2020 insisting that no actual "high crimes and misdemeanors" were required. Rather, we were told that Congress holds total control over impeachment and can impeach someone for essentially anything. Be prepared because that standard is about to go away, replaced by assertions that impeachment is extremely narrow and anything short of a criminal indictment is an abuse of the process. 

In reality, impeachment was tailor-made for Mayorkas. He is a figure that was confirmed by the legislature and has illegally ignored the duly passed laws of Congress. Republicans should go all the way here, if for no other reason than to force Democrats to own the crisis they have caused and refuse to fix.