Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Enough With the Aesthetic Objections to Donald Trump

Well, it’s been a little over a week since Ron DeSantis decided to pull out and hopefully people are chilling out. I get that the DeSantis supporters are disappointed. I’m disappointed. But we have something we have to focus on now, and that’s winning in November. The voters picked Donald Trump, and Donald Trump is the guy the voters picked. If you are a DeSantis supporter, like I am, at least you can take some solace in the fact that the GOP didn’t pick Nikki Haley. I didn’t like 2004 very much the first time, and I don’t want to relive it again today.

So, what do you do if you are a DeSantis supporter and you’re faced with Donald Trump on the ballot? You’ve got three choices. Vote for him, or vote for Biden, or vote for neither. And the last two choices are effectively the same. I’m not sure how one makes the mental leap from wanting Ron DeSantis to win to wanting Joe Biden to win, but some people truly are Never Trump, and I don’t understand it.

Donald Trump is eminently imperfect, and we all know that. Like everything about him, his flaws are huge and dramatic. A lot of the combativeness that is so useful in owning the libs is so useless when he turns it on people like Rosie O’Donnell or Stormy Daniels or whichever of his appointees have disappointed him in the last 15 minutes. But the idea of a Trump without the trumpiness is ridiculous. Donald Trump was never a buffet. He’s fixed price menu. You’ve got to eat everything whether you want it or not. You can’t pick or choose. The Donald Trump that destroys the establishment is also the Donald Trump that scandalizes unsatisfied suburban wine women and their femboy husbands with his mean tweets.

The thing about Trump is that the main objections to him are really just aesthetic. He offends people. It’s not that he does bad things as policy, well, not usually. I mean, he screwed up COVID, and his reaction to the election was a disaster, but if you look at his actual policies they were unbelievable. We had economic success like we hadn’t seen in decades. Our foreign policy was remarkable. The Iranians were in a box, and we were getting out of Afghanistan in a common sense way instead of in a Keystone Kops scramble. The Abraham Accords were bringing peace to the Middle East. Just look at the judges he appointed, how he closed down the border, and how he opened up oil production. You can’t seriously say he was a terrible president. He wasn’t.

Sure, the leftists don’t like his policies because his policies weren’t leftist, but the real reason they hate him is because the fact that he represents the voice of normal people offends them. The normals must be disarmed and disenfranchised in order for the elite to run rampant with its bizarre globalist schemes. Gosh, using language like that would’ve identified you as a nut a few years ago, but there’s no disputing now that their bizarre globalist schemes are bizarre globalist schemes. All the conspiracy theories have come true, and Donald Trump represents a backlash against them. That’s what the elite can’t forgive. He stopped them from doing what they wanted, which was having President Felonia Millhous Von Pantsuit create a fascist nanny state.

The idea that Trump is some sort of fascist either indicates the advocate is a moron or that the advocate thinks you are a moron. Trump doesn’t have the attention span to be a fascist. He has no desire to control others or make them live in a particular manner. That’s what the elite wants to do. I mean, they’re out there demanding we eat bugs. Do you think Trump has any interest in regimenting what people dine upon except, of course, to point out that the taco bowls in Trump Tower are the best and that everybody is saying so. 

If Trump is a fascist, he’s a really bad one. Somehow, he discovered how to have fascism without any actual fascism. Fascism, of course, is a socialist-derived pathology in which the government works with captive corporations to create a regimented, militaristic society tightly controlled by a self-appointed elite. That doesn’t sound like Trump. Does anyone think Trump has the discipline to do that? But more importantly, do you think he has the desire to? That’s another thing about Donald Trump that ticks off the elite. He has no real desire to control other people or tell them what to do. All he wants to do is protect normal people and this country. This tendency toward live and let live, which comes from his New York background, can sometimes get in the way of necessary policy. He’s not hard enough on abortion and he’s not hard enough on transsexual insanity. Why? Because he defaults to letting people do their own thing though, in those cases, their own thing is hugely damaging to the country and our culture.

They claim he’s an authoritarian because he believes criminals should be in jail. They don’t believe criminals should be in jail. They believe political opponents should be in jail and that criminals should be torturing and tormenting the kind of people that Donald Trump represents. We’ve got to fight that. And the only way to fight that is to elect Donald Trump. 

If you re-elect Joe Biden, then you’re allowing this oppression to go on. You’re allowing your aesthetic distaste for Donald Trump’s antics to empower a group of cultural fascists who use their political power to open the borders, which results in the murder and fentanyl deaths of tens of thousands of normal Americans, and that also exposes our troops to danger overseas. If you’re voting against Donald Trump, which means not voting for him and not actively organizing on his behalf, you need to own the fact that people are going to die because of your decision. If your fussiness about Donald Trump‘s personal behavior is such that you’re willing to sacrifice the lives of other Americans so that you can say your hands are figuratively clean because you didn’t vote for that Bad Orange Man, then I submit to you that the moral problem is yours and not his.

It is a moral failure not to support Donald Trump. Yes. Is he perfect? No. Does he do annoying things? Yes. Was he mean to us DeSantis supporters? Of course, he was because he’s Donald Trump, and this was a primary. People need to get over it. People need to man up. Let’s get Donald Trump elected.