Sunday, January 28, 2024

December Illegal Alien Border Surge Sets Stunning Record, As Biden Plays Politics With National Security

 Mike Miller reporting for RedState 

Let's first set the table. Joe Biden intentionally created the illegal alien border crisis. He made it crystal clear throughout his 2020 presidential basement campaign what he intended to do — and he's done it. 

Fast-forward to Saturday. 

With even a growing number of Democrat politicians now turning on the spectacularly failed president over the ever-deteriorating disaster, all Biden cares about is playing politics with the crisis that he intentionally created, and purposely made worse. More on that, later in the article.

How much worse? According to data from U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), a record-breaking number of illegal aliens crossed the southwest border in December 2023.

A stunning 371,036 illegals were caught entering the country,  breaking the previous record of 341,392 set in August 2023. Encounters along the Southwest border also set a new record, hitting 302,034, per other data released by CBP on Jan. 26. 

And we're not even talking about gotaways. 

The record-shattering numbers come as House Republicans move to impeach serial-lying Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas — who has consistently insisted from the outset that the southwestern border is "secure," and that talk of an open border by Republican lawmakers is no more than political maneuvering. 

Secretary Mayorkas has outdone himself yet again — never have we seen such catastrophic numbers, even with historically high encounter numbers on his watch. December’s numbers serve as more undeniable proof that Secretary Mayorkas must be impeached. This staggering number of encounters at our borders only happens by design and a willful refusal to comply with the laws passed by Congress.

Green said Mayorkas “intentionally opened our borders." Is there any doubt?

Tennessee Republican Rep. Mark Green, who is expected to introduce articles of impeachment against Mayorkas this upcoming week, absolutely went off on the embattled DHS head over the record-setting data in a blistering statement.

Speaking of Political Maneuvering

As I reported on Wednesday, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell — eagerly flying wingman for Biden and Senate Democrats — has reportedly been pressuring Republican senators to pledge to support a "bipartisan" "secret" border bill before it's released to the public for open debate.

The disastrous bill would allow 5,000 illegal aliens into the country daily before giving Biden authority to deport them (as if he'd actually do so) without going through the asylum process — similar to former President Trump's authority under Title 42. For those keeping score at home, that's 1.825 million illegals per year.

And as I reported on Thursday, McConnell admitted defeat, saying he'd lost the battle with his Republican colleagues over the bill, which ties aid to Ukraine to, in effect. doing Biden's bidding on the border.  

Here's where it gets truly maddening.

In a purely political move, Biden now vows to "shut down the border when it becomes overwhelmed." "And if given that authority," he said, "I would use it the day I sign the bill into law." 

Not to nitpick, Joe — but you've had the authority to shut down the border — which has been overwhelmed from the beginning of your horrendous presidency.

The Bottom Line

Here's a president who has insisted for most of the last three years that the never-ending invasion of illegal aliens wasn't a crisis— that the border was "secure." So, what's changed? 

Both a majority of voters and a growing number of members of his own party disagree. In other words, our miserably failed president is concerned about one thing only: the ballot box in November.

I know. Try to control your shock and amazement.

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